绝望( despair的名词复数 );使人绝望的人(或事物);
绝望( despair的第三人称单数 );
Aflame, I tell you, with birth, aging & death , with sorrows , lamentations , pains , distresses , & despairs.
我告诉你们, 燃起了生 、 老 、 死, 燃起 了忧 、 愁、悲、戚、惨.
互联网Aflame, I say, with birth, aging & death , with sorrows , lamentations , pains, distresses , & despairs.
我说, 燃起了生 、 老 、 死, 燃起 了忧 、 哀、痛、悲、惨.
互联网She opens the eyes the eye which the big pair despairs, watchesloneliness which she lives.
她睁大一双绝望的眼睛, 观看她生活的寂寞.
互联网Finally saw actually is despairs?
互联网He despairs of escaping the darkness; he is marked for the sword.
他不信自己能从黑暗中转回, 他被刀剑等候.
互联网Is I because of despairs tranquilly but is extraordinary.
互联网People arrange such departures tranquilly, but they are despairs!
人们对骨肉的离合总爱打如意算盘, 但是往往落一场空.
互联网In this case the investor would not exercise the option. The contract despairs and becomes worthless.
既然这样,投资者将无法执行和约, 合约令人失望并且变得贬值.
互联网My mother despairs of me; she thinks me lazy and unsociable.
母亲十分担心我, 她认为我懒惰且不合群.
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