Objective to approach method to treat the refractory aseptic impetiginous dermatosis.
——期刊摘选Where to the skin is caught or come up against to be met protuberant, be dermatosis?
皮肤一抓或者碰到哪儿就会突起, 是皮肤病 吗 ?
互联网ObjectiveTo evaluate the therapeutic effect of asiaticoside for facial dermatosis after laser surgery.
互联网What dermatosis is this? How should treat?
这是什么皮肤病? 该怎么治?
互联网What dermatosis is this excuse me?
互联网Venereal the contagion with dermatosis is the way those?
互联网Objective To observe the efficacy of Botai ointment in the treatment of common dermatosis.
互联网Seasonal can dermatosis effect a radical cure thoroughly?
季节性皮肤病能彻底根治 吗 ?
互联网Rosacea is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis occurring on the face and nose of middle - aged persons .
酒渣鼻是发生在 中年人 鼻部及面部的一种慢性炎症性皮肤病.
互联网Gluteofemoral Erythema of Pregnancy : A new Dermatosis of Pregnancy?
妊娠股臀红斑: 一种新的妊娠皮肤病?
互联网Acne is a dermatosis marked by chronic inflammation of the hair follicle and sebaceous disease frequently.
互联网How is remedial dermatosis chronic nettle rash?
互联网Can be transmissibility dermatosis treated aperture horn change disease to you can effect a radical cure?
遗传性皮肤病能治疗好吗?汗孔角化症能根治 吗 ?
互联网I this is what dermatosis.
互联网Objective To investigate the demodex infection of facial dermatosis patients.
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