If you have altitude try to recover your flight, than to deploy your reserve.
——期刊摘选Gong Jufang deputy director general moderates and made conference summary and working deploy.
——期刊摘选Deploy priests and other agents to deal with heretics.
——期刊摘选America's military has shown that it is prepared to deploy sound to its tactical advantage.
——期刊摘选To see if wildlife is recovering , they deploy autocameras in the forests.
为了发现野生动物的踪迹, 科学家在森林里布置了自动相机.
——期刊摘选Align with centre team's strategy, to deploy the new platform in region.
从总部接手新的软件平台, 安装并配置在本区域.
——期刊摘选We therefore deploy ground and air forces in Europe and Asia, and naval forces worldwide.
因此,我们在欧洲和亚洲部署了地面和空中部队, 并在全世界范围内部署了海军部队.
——期刊摘选Deploy your very best interpersonal communication skills.
——期刊摘选Company B Commander Deploy the 3 rd Platoon. Have them attack the flank.
第三小队散开. 敌人从侧面攻击过来了.
——期刊摘选Moreover, he has had occasion to deploy his knowledge and experience in several governmental advisory roles.
除此之外, 他还有机会将自己的知识与经验运用在一些政府咨询工作中.
——期刊摘选Skipper: emergency landing procedure. Flaps up! Deploy!
队长: 紧急降落程序. 部署!
——期刊摘选First to populate ( and protect ) his planet, and then to deploy on opponents planets.
先繁殖 ( 还有保护 ) 他的卫星, 然后部署到敌人的卫星上.
——期刊摘选Lebanon says it violated the ceasefire, and is threatening to stop deploy army to the south.
黎巴嫩称,以色列违反了停火协议, 并威胁黎停止在南部部署军队.
——期刊摘选Deploy and implement internal operation for Japan branch.
——期刊摘选After China began deploy broadband 2001, fictitious operation business begins to appear in year.
2001年中国起头安排宽带后, 虚构运营商在第二年起头呈现.
——期刊摘选Yes, I want to deploy the orchestration provided by the hub.
是, 我希望部署中心提供的业务流程.
——期刊摘选Asia's challenge is how to best deploy its accumulated surpluses to boost domestic demand.
——期刊摘选Snake : And deploy them all over the Soviet Union?
要在苏联全境部署它们 吗 ?
——期刊摘选American units now deploy for 15 months, compared with six months for the British.
美军各作战单位的驻守时间是15个月, 而英军的只有6个月.
——期刊摘选How do delphi developer deploy solution write in delphi using interbase.
——期刊摘选Premier Zhu Rongji delivered a speech to deploy the work of Tibet.
——期刊摘选Today, we check and accept deploy thethe job undertakes the examination.
今天, 我们对检查验收工作进行动员部署.
——期刊摘选Deploy Emissary near your Expansion Field and wait for it to deploy.
——期刊摘选Now, the company mostly produc e and professionally deploy all standard of safety glass.
目前, 主要生产和专业配置各类安全玻璃.
——期刊摘选Multiple web modules based on maven, single module can be run and deploy.
基于maven的多模块Web应用, 独立模块可以单独运行及发布.
——期刊摘选Finally, is the target missile in the position to deploy counter measurements?
最后, 目标导弹是否是部署在可测量计算的位置?
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