[解剖] 树突;树枝晶(dendrite的复数);
Chromatophilic substance is found within the cytoplasm of dendrites.
——辞典例句Additionally apses between degenerated terminals and NTLIcontaining dendrites also exist in the spinal dorsal horn.
——期刊摘选The dendrite growth direction is changed and dendrites are curved in the zone of white band.
互联网Malnourished children have smaller brains, fewer neurons and synapses, shorter dendrites and less myelin.
营养不良的儿童有规模较小的脑, 少的神经元和突触的, 短的树突少髓鞘.
互联网The website offers information about: astrocytes , axons, dendrites, hippocampus , organelles, synapses, 3 D reconstruction, tissue preparation.
中文简介: 神经突触网提供了脑解剖学和3D重建神经组织的免费软件.
互联网The secondary dendrites become coarse, and grow competitively during cooling.
二次枝晶在冷却过程中粗化, 并竞争生长.
互联网Categories and forming mechanism of crystalline particulate and dendrites toughened metallic glass matrix composites are reviewed.
互联网Synaptogenesis involves extension of neural dendrites , identification of target cells and forming stable synapse.
突触发生中神经元突起通过延伸 、 辨认相应的靶细胞并与其接触形成稳定的突触.
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