He listened to one of my demo tapes.
柯林斯例句Performing process the program and demo animate are given.
——期刊摘选The source code zip file contains the source code and GPSLIB Library Demo program.
DevC ++ Compiler, SDK realized demo window menu and general use of dialog.
编译, SDK实现,演示窗口菜单及通用对话框的使用等.
互联网This concludes the demo of the Preinstallation Kit Wizard.
——期刊摘选Demo videos look great and colours are vibrant and clear.
——期刊摘选Provide DELPHI, VB demo program source code, please open the project file installation directory.
提供DELPHI, VB的演示程序源代码, 请在安装目录打开工程文件.
——期刊摘选Download one the demo versions is possible according to the following references.
——期刊摘选Q: Where can I see a demo of the simulations?
问: 在哪里能看到模拟仿真题的演示?
——期刊摘选Live Demo: Realistic Hover Effect.
在线演示: 现实悬停效果.
——期刊摘选The communication of RFID was achieved according to the demo program for high frequency reader.
5通过RFID台式 读写器演示程序,简单实现了RFID的通讯.
——期刊摘选Views of the demo soared, as did the company's number of resulting leads.
演示的观看率上升, 公司相关的商机也多了.
——期刊摘选Before we begin today, I had like to remind everybody, this is a demo.
在开始之前, 我特别想要提醒大家, 这只是一个演示片.
——期刊摘选Some 50, 000 people are expected at the demo tration on Friday.
——期刊摘选Maintain all Demo equipment in proper order.
——期刊摘选This is my 4 th response to Luk's Chen Dan Bian ( single whip ) demo .
这是回应陆兄陈式单 鞭 的讨论.表达一己之见.
——期刊摘选The sample programs also includes a custom status bar demo code skin.
——期刊摘选After assessing the student's level, we will select one outstanding teacher to give free demo class.
根据学员的情况, 选派一名优秀的外教或中教,提供免费的试课.试课满意后,开始进行一对一的教学.
——期刊摘选DEMO 2 ( and all subsequent demos ) extends the code described above.
以及接下来的其它演示 ) 扩展了上述的程序.
——期刊摘选Listen to each flight service personnel should pay attention to the safety demo guide.
——期刊摘选Select Close from the File menu of Temperature System Demo. vi, and do not save any changes.
在文件菜单中关闭温度系统演示主VI, 不做保存.
——期刊摘选Not long to go now until we release a demo for everyone to test.
——期刊摘选Demo of Bard Ermentrout's XPP. Chemical Reaction Networks Versus Neural Networks. Global Stability of Symmetric Networks.
巴德.门特劳德的xpp展示. 化学反应网路与神经网路的比较. 对称网路的整体稳定性.
——期刊摘选I think that demo is a great example of how we see the pieces coming together.
——期刊摘选They all went on the demo.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》TV firms were later banned from screening any pictures of the demo.
——柯林斯例句Send us a demo with one or two of your best songs.
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