
  • 释义
  • <正>行为;举止;态度;动作;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Today, she already 102 years old of age, however still coruscate is worn green elegant demeanour.

    今天, 她已经102岁高龄, 却依然焕发着青春的风采.

  • 2、

    The man was polite and his general demeanour had the air of a clergyman.


  • 3、

    Minnie was truly distressed at this, but maintained a kindly demeanour.

    敏妮为这事很忧愁, 不过态度一直很温和.

    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 4、

    Must have good presentation abilities and possess a professional and demeanour.


  • 5、

    The sorrowful demeanour , the tremolo music, the long, explanatory , cumulative addresses, all were there.

    悲哀痛苦的姿势, 如泣如诉的音乐, 长长的说明性道白使情节层层推进, 通俗剧的成份一样也没少.

    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 6、

    He maintained a professional demeanour throughout.


  • 7、

    Famous tennis shoes go with a celeBrity's elegant demeanour.


  • 8、

    This demeanour is usually indicative of pain.


  • 9、

    When Hanson came home he wore the same inscrutable demeanour.


    ——英汉文学 - 嘉莉妹妹
  • 10、

    Built harmonious traffic, harmonious society to make enormous contribution for compose, revealed Li river elegant demeanour.

    为构建和谐交通 、 和谐社会作出了巨大的贡献, 展示了漓江风采.

  • 11、

    Not only does a quality case keep the cards neat, but it adds to your professional demeanour.

    质量好的名片盒不仅能保管好名片, 还能为你的职业形象增光添彩.

  • 12、

    His demeanour was fierce.


  • 13、

    The calm demeanour of Mr Trichet and Mr Van Rompuy is not shared by the markets.


  • 14、

    His demeanour has always been that of a perfect gentleman.


  • 15、

    General de Gaulle , whom I did not consult beforehand, was magnificent in his demeanour.


  • 16、

    Bacon, sometimes running, sometimes very simple, natural and elegant demeanour, tone, has very confident and earnest.

    培根下笔, 时而洋洋洒洒, 时而十分简约, 潇洒飘逸,有大将风度, 口吻十分自信、认真.

  • 17、

    As soon as she woke up her demeanour had changed.


  • 18、

    He resolved upon a terrible demeanour in the presence of the dairy girl.


  • 19、

    There was so much unconscious pride in his port, so much ease in his demeanour.

    他的举止在无意中流露出如此的傲慢, 态度是如此地从容.

  • 20、

    It has presented its unique art elegant demeanour in image of Buddha carving aspect in.


  • 21、

    It is this kind of elegant dress that thoroughly shows your elegant demeanour.


  • 22、

    What it is including demeanour, artistic percipient, play is fluent with decorous respect agree.

    它包含着风度 、 艺术鉴赏力 、 发挥的流利与高雅方面的契合.

  • 23、

    His demeanour had a kind of melancholy which was perplexing.


  • 24、

    I dislike his arrogant demeanour.


  • 25、

    He was erect in attitude , and quiet in demeanour.

    他器宇轩昂, 举止文静.

  • 26、

    Certainly his record and demeanour stand him in good stead in the eyes of his colleagues.


  • 27、

    This latest kind of evening dress shows your elegant demeanour thoroughly.


  • 28、

    Handicraft gauze lanterns present the demeanour of the Tang Dynasty.


  • 29、

    Her demeanour is one of peace with herself, which echoes the balance struck with the scales.

    她的行为举止是一种自身的平和, 和天平所获得的平衡相呼应.

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