
  • 释义
  • 欺骗;谬见;错觉;妄想;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Aflame with the fire of passion , the fire of aversion , the fire of delusion.

    燃起了欲望之火 、 嗔怒之火 、 痴迷之火.

  • 2、

    The delusion would doubtless fill her small head with expectations doomed to disappointment.


  • 3、

    If he thinks Susan will marry him, he is labouring under a delusion.

    如果他以为苏珊会和他结婚, 那他就误了.

  • 4、

    But Mr Jacques says this is a delusion.


  • 5、

    Happiness is a delusion of the weak.


  • 6、

    How come I am always under the delusion that I may fail?

    为什么我总怀有自己也许会失败的错觉 呢 ?

  • 7、

    Although it may be partly delusion, the same is true of the failure belief.

    虽然有一些积极信念只是错觉, 失败信念也如此.

  • 8、

    Their promises are a snare and a delusion.


  • 9、

    Love is the delusion that one woman differs from another.


  • 10、

    We all have a pure and clear Buddha nature, obscured by worry and delusion.

    人人本有清净纯真的佛性, 只因烦恼无明遮蔽了.

  • 11、

    No delusion is older, none apparently so promising.

    没有什么幻觉更为古老, 也没什么东西显得如此前程远大.

  • 12、

    That has proved a delusion.


  • 13、

    Though I encourage. For an opportunity to battle a being of such grand delusion as you.

    尽管我鼓励你. 这是一个跟具有伟大幻想的人战斗的机会,就像你一样.

  • 14、

    However, in symmetry is hidden delusion, that is, only symmetry without absolute symmetry can incarnate beauty.

    但对称中却隐藏着错觉, 即对称而并非绝对对称才能体现美.

  • 15、

    Love is the delusion that one women differs from another.


  • 16、

    It is a delusion from first to last.


  • 17、

    Privacy in today's civilization was a delusion, a myth.

    在今天的文明中要想隐居,那是一种欺骗, 是一种神话.

  • 18、

    He is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.


  • 19、

    That sick man is under the delusion that he is Napoleon.


  • 20、

    The novel fan always daydreaming and sometimes the delusion that he becomes Napoleon.

    这个小说迷总是白日作梦.有时会产生错觉. 自以为变成了拿破仑.

  • 21、

    With women a delusion may be seen to be groundless and still be cherished.


  • 22、

    Both types are obscured from and confused about truth. In short , delusion envelops these individuals!

    任己见则是知识障:都是把真理迷昧不明了, 总言迷障!

  • 23、

    This is a delusion.


  • 24、

    And that is how illusion and delusion vanishes.


  • 25、

    The disappointment of manhood succeeds to the delusion of youth.


  • 26、

    I was under the delusion that he intended to marry me.


  • 27、

    He is under a delusion in this matter.

