
  • 释义
  • 谵妄;神志昏迷;极度兴奋;(因酒精中毒引起的)震颤性谵妄;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    After a year in ashen Paris, he was in a chromatic delirium.

    在灰白的巴黎住了一年后, 梵谷在这里陷入著色的欣狂.

  • 2、

    Delirium Tremens has a big body , a rich mouth feel , and a long, sweet aftertaste.

    慢慢品味, 后味有点樱桃的果香味, 然后是悠悠的令人回味的淡淡的甜.

  • 3、

    Later, mental abnormalities may include nervousness, depression, and delirium.

    较晚会出现精神障碍症状, 可能包括紧张 、 抑郁和精神错乱.

  • 4、

    The Don spoke quietly gravely to pierce through the blasphemous delirium.


  • 5、

    Objective To explore the influential factors leading to postoperative delirium in benign prostatic hyperplasia ( BPH ) patients.

    目的探讨良性前列腺 增生 症 患者术后发生谵妄的影响因素.

  • 6、

    Mental dullness is prominent, and delirium may occur.

    神志迟钝加甚, 且可发生谵妄.

  • 7、

    Objective To investigate the characteristics of delirium after cerebral infarction in elderly demented patients.


  • 8、

    In the delirium of revolutionary success and market dominance, such details were easily ignored.

    在改革成功和市场优势的狂热下, 很容易忽略这些细节.

    ——About Face 3交互设计精髓
  • 9、

    It was a perfect delirium.


  • 10、

    In the 19 th century the word is used to say police and delirium tremors.


  • 11、

    Some return to their old ways, just like alcoholics crawl into a bar after delirium.

    一些人回到过去的老方式, 就像酗酒者在疯狂后又回到酒吧.

  • 12、

    Life creates itself in delirium and is undone in ennui.


  • 13、

    Sense would resist delirium; judgments would warn passion.

    理智能抵御痴想, 判断会告诫热情.

  • 14、

    He raved in his delirium.


  • 15、

    She passed a part of the night in delirium and raving.


  • 16、

    Contemplate your incarnate Delirium Tremens!


  • 17、

    Acute infectious diseases, high fever, delirium.

    急性热病, 高热不退, 神昏谵语,热毒斑疹.

  • 18、

    The evening was no longer joy, but delirium.

    所以当天傍晚阿尔贝得意洋洋地回来了,他不单是高兴, 简直有点要热昏了头.

  • 19、

    All is in a delirium of change.


  • 20、

    Love is not altogether a delirium, yet it has many points in common therewith.

    爱情并不完全让人神志不清, 但它却有很多相同之处.

  • 21、

    Every time her power of struggling against the growing delirium grew fainter and fainter.


  • 22、

    Oh, how oppressive this continual delirium is.

    啊, 这种连续的昏迷是多么痛苦啊!

  • 23、

    In her delirium, she had fallen to the floor several times.


  • 24、

    For the most part, dementia and delirium hae been viewed as separate and distinct conditions.

    绝大多数看来, 痴呆和谵妄被视作独立和截然不同的病态.

  • 25、

    To her, it meant groans, delirium, death and smells.

    对她来说, 这意味着呻吟 、 眩晕 、 死亡和恶臭.

  • 26、

    Delirium Tremens is No. one beer a Belgian lager beer.


  • 27、

    Delirium Tremens is No. one beer in the world, which is a Belgian lager beer.

    浅粉象啤酒是世界第一啤酒, 是一种比利时淡啤酒.
