We call such a deice a capacitor condenser, and its ability to store electrical energy capacitance.
这样的装置称之为电容器, 其储存电能的能力称为电容.
——期刊摘选Using the ISPC deice was shown to improve cardiac output and visceral perfusion during pneumoperitoneum ( PP ) .
运用这项 ISPC 设备可显示在造气腹过程中心输出量增加以及内脏血流灌注得以改善.
互联网A third patient a bacterial infection that started several months after deice implantation.
互联网The apoptosis signal is delivered a molecule called TRAIL that coats the cancer - killing deice.
互联网He has since left for home, with that experimental heart - assist deice that keeps his heart pumping.
安装之后, 他就带着那个维持他心脏搏动的实验性心脏辅助装置回家了.
互联网Objectie . To explore the biomechanical impact of the Dynesys deice in io.
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