And there are plenty of reasons to be worried about a deflationary downward spiral.
互联网First, the much weaker exports represent a negative demand shock that is deflationary.
首先, 严重恶化的出口造成一种负需求冲击,也就是通货紧缩.
——期刊摘选That only increased the deflationary pressures at home and abroad.
互联网Nor is China's deflationary effect on global tradable - goods prices about to end.
互联网Yet this anti - deflationary zeal is precisely what alarms people like Mr Meltzer.
互联网Global deflationary trend is a cyclical economic phenomena.
互联网In other words, deflationary expectations arehold in both businesses and households.
也就是说, 通缩的预期不仅在企业,而且在家庭里出现.
互联网A slow and difficult recovery , dominated by de - leveraging and deflationary risks, is the most likely prospect.
最可能出现的情况是, 经济在去杠杆化和通缩风险的主导下,经历一场缓慢而艰难的复苏.
互联网The new economy does not mean we will never have another recession or even deflationary spiral.
互联网From being deflationary in terms of manufactured goods, it will become neutral to inflationary.
就制造业产品而言, 那将是从通缩变成中性至通胀的状态.
互联网The new economy does not mean we'll never have anther recession or even a deflationary spiral.
互联网The devaluation of any major currency today simply exports deflationary pressure to other currency currency.
互联网Broadly, prices in Europe are tipping a deflationary dead zone.
此外, 欧洲物价正接近通货紧缩的区域.
互联网This makes the deflationary circle difficult to break.
互联网First, though, China has to contend with a - term deflationary boom, which will end upa deflationary bust.
不过, 中国首先将不得不应对 短期 通缩繁荣, 最终导致通缩式崩溃(deflationarybust).
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