Function: defecate sands , rust. copper, besmirch cutting off peculiar smell, high quality water zone.
功能: 滤除沙石 、 铁锈 、 铜锈 、 磷污染等;去除异味. 适合用于水质较好的地区.
互联网Is defecate drier is still carrying blood sometimes how to return a responsibility?
——期刊摘选Animals defecate after every meal.
——辞典例句Zhongshan, this bird does not defecate trash place which, the chicken does not lay eggs!
“中山, 这个鸟不拉屎 、 鸡不下蛋的垃圾地方! ”
——期刊摘选That is to say, there is defecate to put all the time inside large intestine.
也就是说, 大肠内是一直有大便存的.
——期刊摘选In adults , the decision whether or not to defecate is under voluntary control.
成年人中, 是否大便是受自己控制的.
——期刊摘选The child fart with 4 big months is very smelly, defecate abnormal also, how to do?
4个月大的孩子放屁很臭, 大便也不正常, 怎么办?
——期刊摘选Peristalsis moves feces through the colon to the rectum, where they stimulate the urge to defecate.
由于结肠的蠕动,将粪便推向直肠, 直肠因粪便充盈而扩张,肠壁的伸张感受器受刺激,乃产生便意.
——期刊摘选Trigger tumors, but for many reasons, the most prominent clinical evidence of each defecate is longer.
诱发痔疮的原因很多, 但经临床证明, 最为突出的就是每次排便时间较长.
——期刊摘选Light, not when the shit out of natural flow when defecate, pollution underpants, patient great inconvenience.
轻者大便时流出, 重者不排便时也自然流出, 污染内裤, 病人极不方便.
——期刊摘选Does darling defecate work a little a little while rare normal?
宝宝大便一会干一会稀正常 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Newborn puppies must be stimulated to defecate and urinate after each feeding.
——期刊摘选Big mouth drinks water, make defecate bate, if haemorrhage is much, went to a hospital looking.
大口喝水, 使大便软化, 假如出血多的话, 就去医院看了.
——期刊摘选Such a sweet fruIt'smell, appetite for the effectiveness of dietary fibre which can promote defecate.
榴莲的这种气味有开胃 、 促进食欲之功效,其中的膳食纤维还能促进肠蠕动.
——期刊摘选The discovery after defecate does not have paper, how to do?
大便后发现没有纸, 怎么办 呢 ?
——期刊摘选At ordinary times our defecate, just eliminate the defecate inside rectum.
平时我们排便, 只是排除直肠里面的大便.
——期刊摘选Must cleanout in time and sprayed the wound after defecate.
——期刊摘选They also gave fishermen containers in which to defecate and urinate.
——期刊摘选Morning hollow apples can not only help defecate expedite, also can have hairdressing effect.
早晨空腹吃苹果不仅可以帮助排便畅通, 还可以有美容效果.
——期刊摘选After the doctor was enquiring an illness, requirement patient assay defecate.
医生在询问了病情后, 要求病人化验一下大便.
——期刊摘选There is no way for them to ride roughshod and defecate over our heads.
——期刊摘选Bumpkin asks: " Be defecate or pee? "
乡巴佬问: “ 是大便还是小便? ”
——期刊摘选How is defecate occult blood caused?
——期刊摘选Drink water more actually, stimulative defecate is the best method that discharge poison.
其实多喝水, 促进排便是最好的排毒方法.
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