
  • 释义
  • 衰老,老朽;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    But must be a body of son, otherwise double ly decrepitude.

    但必须要保持处子之身, 否则会加倍的衰老.

  • 2、

    The photosynthetic rate descend gradually because of the decrepitude of the leaf.


  • 3、

    If decrepitude is driven by an overactive immune system, then it is treatable.

    如果是由于过分活跃的免疫系统所致, 那么衰老是可以医治的.

  • 4、

    Effects of Aerobic Interval Exercises with Light Intensity on Anti oxidation and Anti decrepitude.


  • 5、

    The building had a general air of decrepitude and neglect.


  • 6、

    It can decelerate decrepitude, brighten skin, fade mark and make skin white, tender and healthy.

    它可消除衰老皮肤, 令其健康细腻;有淡化印迹, 令皮肤变白 、 变嫩之功效.

  • 7、

    Staying youth can be likened to climbing steep hill, while negligence will lead to decrepitude overnight.

    保持青春已如爬坡, 任由衰老会一泻千里.
