HM demonstrated a striking single - dissociation between intelligence and declarative memory.
互联网Proposition: is what is expressed by a declarative sentence when the a statement.
命题: 是陈述句被用于叙述事件时所表达的意义.
互联网Can you turn the declarative sentence into a rhetorical question?
你能把这个陈述句改成反问句 吗 ?
互联网Please alter the declarative sentence into an interrogative one.
互联网The exclamatory form emphasizes a statement ( either declarative or imperative ) with an exclamation point (! ).
感叹句增强语气 ( 表达观点或命令 ),以 感叹号 结束.
互联网How many kinds of knowledge are there? What declarative and procedural knowledge are.
知识有多少种? 什么是陈述性和程序性知识.
互联网Those rules are declarative, they don't specify how to compute the common properties.
这些规则是宣示性的, 它们并未具体说明如何计算公用属性.
互联网This paper mainly discusses the function of declarative knowledge in English reading ability.
互联网Declarative a speech act which changes the state of affairs in the world.
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