
  • 释义
  • 装饰;装罐;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The students are decking their classroom.


  • 2、

    As decking, level areas can be laid on the ground like a dance floor.

    铺装时, 在水平区域可以将木材像舞台地板一样平铺在地面.

  • 3、

    My mother and my sister are decking our rooms with flowers for the new Year's Day.


  • 4、

    Select decking is best in this case.


  • 5、

    Exotic Woods, Exotic Flooring, Softwood Elliotis Pine, Exotic Plywood , Decking, Timber, Timber Products and Plank.

    采购产品异国的森林, 异国的地板, 软木材松树, 异国的夹板, 装饰木材, 木材产品和厚木板.

  • 6、

    The Helsinki model even has a decking area where homeowners can sIt'soak up the sun.


  • 7、

    Conveyor belt. Flotation machine impeller. Decking.

    输送带. 浮选机叶轮. 盖板.

  • 8、

    Decking is divided into two grades: select decking and commercial decking.

    装饰材分为两个等级: 精选装饰材和商业装饰材.

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