[医]〔Peter Joseph Wilhelm Debye,荷兰物理学家,1844~1966〕德拜:电偶极矩单位,等于10-18静电库伦-厘米,用来表示分子的偶极矩。符号为D;
In this paper , using Dirac function and statistical theory, we calculate the state density in Debye model.
利用狄拉克δ函数和统计理论, 分别计算态密度在德拜模型下的表达式.
互联网For non - Debye relaxation materials , a model is deduced to calculate the dielectric loss.
对于non-Debye弛豫介质, 导出了其介质损耗的计算模型.
互联网The nonlinear two - dimensional Debye screening in p lasmas is investigated.
研究了等离子体中非线性二 维 德拜屏蔽,首次给出了二维泊松方程的一些新的精确解析解.
互联网Debye temperature, specific heat and state change under high pressure.
neisen常数 γ,德拜温度θ_p, 比热以及在高压下的状态变化.
互联网Lattice parameter and Debye Temperature were measured by X - raydiffraction method.
用 X 射线衍射方法测量了不同粒度的德拜温度和点阵参数的变化.
互联网The FD - TD formula and the absorbing boundary condition in Debye dispersive media are deduced , respectively.
推出了Debye型色散媒质中FD - TD法的迭代公式和吸收边界条件.
互联网Their acoustic branches obtained are of neither Debye nor Gaussian type but show a double - numped configurations.
互联网This paper has presented the thermodynamics action of crystal based on the Debye model.
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