Explains how Debug and Release are used, and introduces build configurations.
说明如何使用“调试”版本和“发布”版本, 并介绍生成配置.
互联网Experience hardware debug device , such as multi - meter, oscillograph, etc.
有万用表 、 示波器等常用工具的使用经验.
互联网Debug your macros: insert breakpoints, play partially or loop your playback.
调试您的宏: 插入断点, 发挥部分或闭环您的播放.
互联网This paper presents commands of DEBUG and its applications in system maintenance.
介绍了debug命令 的作用和它在系统维护中的几项应用.
互联网Once again, careful planning is the key; good planning simplifies program debug.
再重复一次, 精心的编程设计是关键, 优良的设计可简化程序的调试.
互联网You can debug a release build of an application.
互联网Trace is normally defined in both Debug and Release versions.
互联网Programmers at our installation write and debug lengthy code.
互联网These operators are used mainly to debug assembly - language code.
互联网We'll use DEBUG to look at a floppy disk's Boot Record.
互联网Link - maintenance frames are used to manage and debug a link.
互联网Return the defect boards to Debug to repair.
互联网The production lines ground to a halt for hours while technicians tried to debug software.
柯林斯例句This model provides a good debug method for development of embedded system.
互联网DEBUG detailed explanation of the command line parameters, including format and uses the details.
详细的DEBUG命令行参数解释, 包含格式及用途、细节等.
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