It has the advantage of light deadweight, little material, low windward acreage and convenient amending.
具有自重轻 、 材料省 、 造价低、结构可靠稳定和维修保养方便等特点.
互联网Supply, demand, elasticity, comparative advantage, consumer surplus, deadweight loss - these terms are part of the economist's language.
供给 、 需求 、 弹性 、 相对优势 、 消费剩余, 还有无谓的损失 - 这些术语就是经济学家所用语言的一部分.
互联网To the extent effective, the tax would eliminate the deadweight cost of congestion.
就影响面来说, 这样的税消除拥挤带来的净成本.
——期刊摘选It can reduce deadweight loss.
互联网These floors have many advantages such as low structural height , small deadweight and relatively high stiffness.
该楼盖具有刚度大 、 自重轻、楼高小的优点,在建筑市场上应用前景广阔.
互联网Does the ship's deadweight scale show in long ton?
船舶载重标尺是用英吨表明的 吗 ?
互联网The term, Deadweight as used in this Contract, shall be as defined in the Specifications.
本合同使用的“载重量”一词, 应符合说明书里的有关定义.
互联网Would you mind lending me the draft scale deadweight scale of your ship?
能借一下你船的载重标尺用一下 吗 ?
互联网The design methods are expounded of equalizing horizontal and balancing deadweight for the jib - bridge system.
阐述了对臂桥架 变幅 系统的水平位移补偿、臂桥架自重平衡的设计方法.
互联网That's deadweight tonnage in both cases.
互联网The range of sizes for oil tankers at present is enormous, from small to deadweight tons.
大小的范围油槽的当前从小是极大的, 到700,000负荷量吨.
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