极端的( deadly的最高级 );致死的;非常有效的;枯燥的;
One of the deadliest types of mushroom toxins is Alphaamanitin, which causes extreme liver damage.
蝇蕈素是最致命的蘑菇毒素之一, 它能造成肝脏严重损伤.
互联网The deadliest plant in the world is the castor bean plant.
互联网The weather system included the state's deadliest tornado in a decade.
互联网Why is the deadliest sin - to love as I loved you?
为何最致命的罪过 --- 是如我曾爱你一样去爱?
互联网Fear is one of our deadliest enemies.
互联网One of nature's deadliest creatures is the tiny poison dart frog.
互联网The crash was the airline industry's deadliest in years, and the worst in Air France's history.
这次坠机是航空业多年来最致命的一次, 也是法航史上最严重的一次.
互联网Conversely, it was the deadliest year for coalition forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion.
相反的, 对驻扎在阿富汗的联军来说今年是自2001年入侵后最命的一年.
互联网Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
辞典例句To now find a light in the deadliest cloud.
互联网Deadliest, the creator of arts have always been an important element, of course, not Endlessand gentleness.
杀人如麻, 快意恩仇一直是武侠小说的重要元素, 当然还少不了缠绵悱恻, 侠骨柔情.
互联网Yet degreement [ it remains ] one of world's diely ( deadliest ) at diseases as.
目前为止, 疟疾 仍是世界上最致命的疾病之一.
互联网Parkinson's Law of Delay: Delay is the deadliest form of denial.
帕金森延迟定律: 延迟是拒绝的极端形式.
互联网The disease , the world's deadliest, kills around one million people a year.
疟疾是世界上最致命的疾病, 每年夺去约百万人的生命.
互联网It was the computer's deadliest enemy.
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