执事( deacon的名词复数 );
The bishops, priests and deacons processed into the cathedral.
主教 、 司铎以及助祭列队走进大教堂.
互联网Our Pastor and Deacons are available to talk and pray with you after the service.
互联网Deacons have a different role to play from the elder's role.
互联网Or we may recognize the elders and deacons.
互联网Moreover , they should be tested first; then, if against themthem serve as deacons.
这些人应当先受试验, 如果无瑕可指, 然后才能作执事.
互联网Good News: Your deacons want to send you to the Holy Land.
好消息: 你的执事们要把你送到圣地巴勒斯坦.
互联网The church prays and then selects her leaders ( pastor, elders, and deacons ).
教会经由祷告,然后选立领袖 ( 牧师, 长老, 执事 ).
互联网Deacons'office is not an office with authority.
互联网I remind priests, deacons and extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion to practice good hygiene.
我要提醒各位司铎 ﹐ 执事和非常务送圣体员要特别注重卫生.
互联网Deacons are NOT elders - in - training. Deacons have a different role to play from the elder's role.
执事不是长老的培训班. 执事扮演的角色与长老是不同的.
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