data encryption algorithm 数据加密算法;dean (大学,学院的)院长;系主任;教务长;
This paper discusses the application of DEA in evaluating DMU cost efficiency.
互联网Firstly, Data EnvelopmentAnalysis ( DEA ) is employed to evaluate the relative efficiency of banks.
首先, 用DEA测度各家银行经营的相对效率.
互联网Compared with support cross - linked poly ( vinyl alcohol ) , the DEA - PVT possessed very little non - specific adsorption for proteins.
与载体 交联聚乙烯 醇相比,DEA—PVT对蛋白质的非特异性吸附明显降低.
互联网The applications show that the model is practical, and it enriches the system of DEA.
案例分析表明此模型切实可行, 拓宽了DEA的应用.
互联网The DEA should grant Dr Craker his licence.
互联网This paper applies DEA method in the petroleum enterprise management.
互联网The theory and applications of Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) were discussed.
主要讨论 DEA 反方法在研究型高校科研绩效评价中的应用.
互联网For the DEA you ain't nothing but a honeypot.
电影对白Why mem to dea with the ikes of you?
电影对白A few months can mean life or dea th.
互联网Production possibility set in DEA has two equivalent forms: sum form and intersection form.
DEA的生产可能集有两种等价形式 — 和形式及交形式.
互联网Accordingly , Multi - Criteria Decision Analysis ( MCDA ) and Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) were used complementarily.
多准则决策分析与资料包 络 分析两种方法,在本研究中被集成互补使用.
互联网The developing prospect of the DEA also depicted according to the research effort.
互联网In this paper , we study the extra resource allocation problem based on DEA ( Data Envelopment Analysis ) method.
研究基于DEA ( 数据包络分析 ) 方法的资源分配问题.
互联网Methods Data Envelopment Analysis ( DEA ) was applied.
方法数据包 络 分析应用.
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