
  • 释义
  • (使)变暗;(使)模糊;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    " Clouds darken with darkness of rain, Streams pale with pallor of mist . "

    云青青兮欲雨, 水澹 澹 兮生烟.

    ——英汉 - 翻译样例 - 文学
  • 2、

    Hairdresser: pleasure, madam. And would you like a manicure or trim the eyebrows and darken them.

    美发师发型师: 谢谢. 太太, 您还要修指甲或修眉吗?

  • 3、

    Darken the blue and you'll add authority, credibility and power to it.

    而蓝色一旦加深,就会带来权威 、 信誉和权利的暗示.

  • 4、

    The title must not be allowed to darken the reader's thoughts.


  • 5、

    The Burn Tool in most cases should only used to subtly darken areas that have overexposed.


  • 6、

    The skies darken over both our castles, we must take great care.

    我们的城堡都阴云密布, 我们必须加倍小心.

  • 7、

    Guest: Beautifully done. Please trim my eyebrows and darken them.

    人客: 做患上好极了. 请把睫毛修一下,再画深一点儿.

  • 8、

    Don't let them darken your future.


  • 9、

    The Burn Tool in most cases should only used to subtly darken areasthat have been overexposed.


  • 10、

    They also show that Jesus gives light to the very paths the world delights to darken.


  • 11、

    The technology we harness can light the path to peace, or forever darken it.

    我们掌控的技术能够照亮通向和平的道路, 也能永远将其笼罩在黑暗之中.

  • 12、

    Please darken the blue paint with black paint.


  • 13、

    Ask the desk to lighten the face, darken the left side, lift the shadows etc.

    要求编辑调亮人物脸部 、 暗左侧 、 除阴影等.

  • 14、

    Darken the screen, showing a small bit, using the API function. On good eyesight.

    屏幕变暗, 显示小点点, 用了API函数. 对视力好.

  • 15、

    Now that I have left that home, I'll never darken the door again.

    我既然已经离开了那个家, 就不会再回去.

  • 16、

    The sky began to darken as the storm approached.


  • 17、

    Janet watched the rain clouds darken the sky.


  • 18、

    The viewfinder image will darken when the previewAE lock button is pressed.


  • 19、

    You should use technical terms as few as possible , or you'll darken counsel.

    你应该尽可能少的使用术语, 不然的话,你的意思别人就更弄不懂了.

  • 20、

    Darken the green paint by adding black paint.


  • 21、

    Can tomorrow's death cast its shadow and darken today's joy?

    明天的死亡能将今天的欢乐蒙上阴影 吗 .

  • 22、

    Also darken bottom thickness near its center.


  • 23、

    Buildings often darken as they get older.


  • 24、

    Thought malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out.

    恶意虽然会糟蹋真理, 但无法消灭真理.

  • 25、

    Perhaps 600 million starlings darken the skies over Europe, Asia, Africa, and North America.

    6亿只椋鸟或许会将欧洲 、 亚洲 、 非洲和北美的天空遮得暗淡无光.

  • 26、

    Go ! And never darken my door again!


  • 27、

    Though malice may darken truth, it cannot put it out.

    恶意可以糟塌真理; 但无法消灭真理.

  • 28、

    Nothing was going to darken his mood today.


  • 29、

    Stealth tip: Wall flattening and crouching both darken your Light Gem , making you harder to see.

    秘密行动提示: 贴墙和蹲伏都可以使你的光度计变暗, 从而让你不容易被发现.
