Denise: You look like some kind of 11 cyborg!
丹尼斯: 你看起来像某种生化机械人!
——期刊摘选A group research blog explores the evolution of cyborg culture through technologies of the body.
——期刊摘选Jeffrey, Leslie and their boy Derek will be America's first cyborg family.
杰佛里 、 莱斯琳和他们的儿子德里克将成为美国的第一个电子人家庭.
——期刊摘选Not a robot, a cyborg, a cyborgnetic organism.
不是机器人, 是一个半机械人, 一个半机械的有机体.
——期刊摘选How does the man seem to feel about becoming a cyborg?
——期刊摘选A cyborg is a cybernetic organism.
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