
  • 释义
  • 定制,定做;按规格改制;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Combination Armoire that you can customize to fit room.


  • 2、

    Adjustable settings allow you to customize the function to fit your needs.


  • 3、

    For more information, see How to: Customize Object - Layer Code Generation ( Entity Data Model Designer ).

    有关更多信息, 请参见如何: 自定义对象层代码生成 ( 实体数据模型设计器 ).

  • 4、

    You can customize Spyware Doctor to either remove or quarantine malware items fixed in a scan.


  • 5、

    Extreme Customization: Customize your minions, supplies, and camp.

    独特的定制功能: 可以定制您的宠物 、 补给和营地.

  • 6、

    You can customize the name of the Program Shortcuts folder.


  • 7、

    You can customize your skates, as you like to skate.


  • 8、

    There is also a Sneak Peak page which i want my designer to customize.


  • 9、

    You can not customize headers from two places at the same time.


  • 10、

    To customize a PivotTable report , you can use the PivotTable Field button on the PivotTable toolbar.

    使用“数据透视表”工具栏上的“数据透视表字段”按钮, 可以自定义数据透视表.

  • 11、

    These smaller objects configure the container and customize the behavior of the container.


  • 12、

    You can customize the background, font and icons of Dialog screens.

    你可以定制背景 、 字体与偶像对话屏幕上.

  • 13、

    Customize mistake bid product 24 hours of inner delivery!


  • 14、

    Customize your lover and yours sweet and happy memories by professionalism, Sonyar!


  • 15、

    You could customize your own clothes.


  • 16、

    Users can customize the background color of the window.


  • 17、

    SYSTEM. INI, which primarily contains settings that customize Windows to meet your system's hardware needs.

    SYSTEM.INI, 它含有你根据硬件需要对windows的设置.

  • 18、

    In combination with cable, home satellite will allow audiences to customize their own programming.

    实现了与有线电视的结合, 家用卫星将使观众能够定制他们自己的节目.

  • 19、

    To customize effective solutions of dynamic design and static administration for the related system users.


  • 20、

    You can customize language, installation, and accessibility options for Setup.

    可以为安装程序自定义语言 、 安装和辅助功能选项.

  • 21、

    Simply by adding some code frame windows , you can make your toolbar customize dialog works.


  • 22、

    You can also use labelsto customize article exports.


  • 23、

    Easy to customize the look and feel by editing template pages and CSS files.


  • 24、

    Of cause, you can customize LOGO which you need , it will be a novel advertisement.

    当然, 亦可定制LOGO, 相信是创新的广告模式.

  • 25、

    You can customize the software in several ways.

