Block The cursor aligns the next line with the previous line.
互联网To pause the slideshow, place your mouse cursor over the picture.
暂停幻灯片, 把你的鼠标光标放在图画上.
——期刊摘选What is used for moving the cursor around the screen?
——期刊摘选Caps lock will display tool cursor in precise mode.
——期刊摘选" Never mind. Can you move the cursor around on the screen? "
不管它了, 你可以看到 游标 在萤幕上 吗 ?
——期刊摘选The cursor can be placed anywhere you wish before rotating.
——期刊摘选Firehose cursor cannot be created while other objects are open.
——期刊摘选Among them, the company such as blue cursor year business income exceeds 100 million yuan.
其中, 蓝色光标等公司年营业收入超过1亿元.
——期刊摘选Vertical cursor position on the screen display of a screen. Counting begins at line 1.
在屏幕上显示的纵向指针的位置. 从第1行开始.
——期刊摘选A cursor variable cannot be used as a parameter to a remote procedure call.
——期刊摘选The cursor or a contour line the graphics object must be in the snap range.
光标或图形对象的一个轮廓线必须在坐标线范围内. 您也可以使用选项栏页面边距对齐图标.
——期刊摘选Oxford surface, comfortable handle, offering excellent cursor movement and positioning performance.
牛津纹表面, 手感舒适, 提供优异的光标移动和定位效果.
——期刊摘选You can move the cursor by using the mouse.
——《简明英汉词典》N places the filename under the cursor into the command line.
——期刊摘选Move around a cursor to spread tomato paste on the dough.
——期刊摘选A cursor only allows forward movement through the queue enumeration.
——期刊摘选Each participant's viewer cursor an unique color as well as display of the participant's ID.
——期刊摘选Note: error will occur if the Recordset object does not support bookmarks or backward cursor movement.
注意: 如果记录集对象不支持书签或不能向后移动指针,那么将产生错误.
——期刊摘选If the cursor at 102.5 degree when stop, reduce the value of parameter.
当停车后指针在102.5度, 需减小停车补偿数值.
——期刊摘选TRUE auto move cursor position when mouse clicking.
——期刊摘选A charged cursor also demands good cancel idioms. Otherwise, how do you harmlessly discharge the cursor?
加载的光标也要有合适的取消操作习惯用法, 否则你如何安全地取消光标的加载状态 呢 ?
——About Face 3交互设计精髓If cursor over the line ( circled in red ), it becomes a double headed arrow.
移动鼠标到黑线上 ( 红色圈中处 ), 它将变成一个双箭头.
——期刊摘选The cursor become a single arrow with two heads.
——期刊摘选Use cursor hinting to indicate pliancy.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓In the Code Editor, put the cursor where you want to insert the code snippet.
在“代码编辑器”中, 将光标置于要插入代码段的位置.
——期刊摘选You can check the field name by holding the cursor over the referenced item.
——期刊摘选This topic describes the ODBC Cursor Library and explains how to use it.
——期刊摘选英语网 · 双语新闻
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