The organization changed its cumbersome title to something easier to remember.
——《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》Quiet, roomy cabin and adeptness overshadowed by cumbersome curb weight, soft suspenders, and a tacky dash.
安静, 宽敞和越野却受累于其笨拙的体重, 柔软的悬挂和俗不可耐的仪表板.
互联网A boa constrictor is a very dangerous creature, and an elephant is very cumbersome.
大蟒蛇很危险, 大象又十分的笨重.
——期刊摘选At more than three pounds, the generator, called the Bionic Energy Harvester, is cumbersome.
发电机仅三磅多一点, 被称为仿生学能量收割机有些笨重.
——期刊摘选Her 9 ) cumbersome weight 10 ) notwithstanding, Danni was always eager to make her daily rounds in the fields.
尽管丹尼 体态 笨重, 它还是渴望着开始牧场每天的日常巡逻.
——期刊摘选A tabulation of a function of two variables is cumbersome, but possible.
二元函数的列表法是不方便的, 然而是可能的.
——辞典例句India's other big constraints, its cumbersome labour and land laws, should be easier to fix.
印度面临的其他制约, 繁杂的劳动和土地法, 应该变得更加宽松.
——期刊摘选Sometimes cumbersome procedures at customs offices create delays.
——辞典例句The first form is cumbersome.
——辞典例句These machines, while sometimes cumbersome , can run rings around the Cray on certain scientific problems.
这些机器(电脑)虽然有时嫌笨拙, 但在某些科学问题上, 胜过“克雷”倒是游刃有余.
——期刊摘选Various method have been used for the disposal of this cumbersome material.
——辞典例句Therefore, the production of steel sheet data only looks simple terms, it is very cumbersome.
因此钢筋表的制作看起来只是数据的简单计算, 其实是很烦琐的.
——期刊摘选Of course, this very richness means that menus can get big and cumbersome.
当然, 这种极度的丰富性也意味着它们大而笨重.
——About Face 3交互设计精髓Automatic serial number scanning and software information detection greatly reduces cumbersome data entry.
——期刊摘选The approval process for new products across different branches is cumbersome.
——期刊摘选Your article is too cumbersome. Lop off those repeated and empty words.
你的文章太冗长了. 把那些重复的,空洞的话都删掉.
——期刊摘选He lowed his head in shame, his cumbersome face burning . His fingers felt gross and unwieldy.
他不好意思地低下了头, 臃肿的脸上火辣辣的,他的手指都变得笨重不灵,不听使唤了.
——辞典例句It was often better thanmaking international phone calls , which were cumbersome, crackly and costly.
当时电报的收费按今天的标准看, 一个单词需要花费数美元.
——期刊摘选Consequently, BEC researchers got accustomed to surrounding their vacuum cells with powerful but cumbersome electromagnets.
因此, BEC的研究人员习惯在真空腔旁,绕上强力却笨重的电磁铁.
——期刊摘选Features: high temperature, long life , shortcomings too cumbersome.
特性: 耐高温 、 采用炉龄长 、 错处太笨拙.
——期刊摘选It's rather cumbersome having to carry all these cases around.
——《简明英汉词典》Although we can use online translation tools, it's cumbersome, and we can't even wavepoint.
尽管我们能用在线翻译工具, 但它是不准确的, 且我们甚至举步举步唯艰.
——期刊摘选They shook and pulled, but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them upwardwind.
它们摇摆着,被拉扯着,无论怎么努力, 那根线就像它们身后笨重的尾巴,始终使它们处于被控制之中.
——期刊摘选The furniture is too cumbersome to move.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》Without the cumbersome chewing musculature, brains could grow bigger, marking the divergence of humans from apes.
有个发生在240万年前的基因突变,造成人类始祖下颚缩小,没有了笨重的咀嚼肌肉系统后, 脑部可以长得更大, 而划分了人类和猿类的差别.
——期刊摘选There is no need for hardware routers or cumbersome systems administration on the gateway.
——期刊摘选Our Intelligence Service was untrained, cumbersome, and almost wholly ineffectual.
——柯林斯例句They're making efforts to streamline their normally cumbersome bureaucracy.
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