
  • 释义
  • 厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Celebrity chefs slice, steam and sear in aspirational culinary shrines of stainless steel and high gloss.

    名厨们在他们所渴望的布满不锈钢的高光泽的烹饪圣殿中切 、 蒸、烧.

  • 2、

    The City of Light is the apex of architectural beauty, artistic expression, and culinary delight.

    建筑之美 、 艺术之语和烹饪之乐都在这座“灯火之城”里达到了顶峰.

  • 3、

    Culinary suggestions Side of beef with boletus mushrooms. Wild boar , venison. Roast duck with cherries.

    配餐建议:蘑菇配单面牛肉. 野生鹿肉, 烤鸭配樱桃.

  • 4、

    A three course dinner completes the culinary delights.


  • 5、

    While the chief created culinary masterpieces his assistants did all the donkey work for him.


  • 6、

    The Fourth of July domestic culinary pyromania is followed by community pyrotechnics.


  • 7、

    Charlotte would assuage him with some peculiar triumph of her culinary art.


  • 8、

    Culinary suggestions: Roast lamb . Winged game . Pepper steak.

    配餐建议: 烤小羊肉,带翅的家禽,或者黑椒小牛扒.

  • 9、

    As many visitors might expect, Qingdao's culinary specialties revolve around seafood.

    徐:正如很多客人所想的那样, 青岛的烹饪特色以海味为主.

  • 10、

    Chinese Cooking teaches views the Chinese culinary art.


  • 11、

    She is studying culinary arts.


  • 12、

    Even white truffles, the prized culinary delicacy , could not escape the slump.


  • 13、

    Local styles of preparation, ingredients, and presentations are integral parts of the cultural culinary experience.

    地方风格的准备, 配料, 和介绍是文化的烹饪经验的组成部分.

  • 14、

    Culinary uses aside, rosemary has also been traditionally used as medicine by doctors.

    除了烹调上的用途外,传统上, 迷迭香也被医生用作药材.

  • 15、

    Some people say there are altogether eight major culinary schools in China. These dishes are Shanghai style.

    有人说中国有八大菜系, 这些菜是上海菜.

  • 16、

    At the opposite end of Dallas's culinary spectrum is funky regional fare ( Jacqueline Friedrich )

    与达拉斯烹饪食谱截然相反的另一面是其具有乡土气息的地方饮食 ( 杰奎琳·弗雷德里希 )

  • 17、

    The wife was disappointed by his response to her culinary skills.


  • 18、

    CAN understand detailed information, for example a range of culinary terms and abbreviations in accommodation advertisements.

    能理解较详尽的资讯, 如烹饪的广泛用词及租屋广告的内容.

  • 19、

    Let's break rule and start with a brand new culinary tour in Qingdao.


  • 20、

    Culinary suggestions: Charcuterie Fricassee of pork. Grilled fish.

    配餐建议: 烤鱼,炖肉.

  • 21、

    Said the renowned culinary expert, Dr. Jane Woolwin.


  • 22、

    Your resume says that you minored in French culinary arts.


  • 23、

    Savour the culinary delights of Mexico.


  • 24、

    You'll be amazed at the culinary creations possible in a Dutch oven.


  • 25、

    It says a lot for her culinary skills that so many of her recipes have stood the test of time.

