Measure the length, width and height of the cuboid.
量出指定的长方体的长 、 宽、高.
互联网Horizontal bend basically is changing bottom of cuboid and bone, Zhi bone.
横弓主要在换骨 、 骰骨和跖骨底部.
互联网A cuboid has six faces. ( Display it on the computer )
生:长方体有六个面. ( 电脑演示 )
互联网On Thursday, about 400 cuboid watermelons were shipped to Tokyo and Osaka.
上周四, 大约有400个方形西瓜被运到东京和大阪.
互联网Repeat the features of the faces, edges and points of a cuboid.
师:复述长方体面 、 棱、顶点的特征.
互联网How many edges does a cuboid have? Count , please.
师:长方体有多少条棱? 数数看.
互联网Every face of a cuboid must be a rectangle.
互联网Touch the length, the width and the height of a cuboid.
用手摸一摸长方体的长 、 宽、高.
互联网Touch the cuboid. What features does the cuboid have?
互联网The third was a human - sized cuboid.
互联网The cuboid has faces, edges and points.
生:长方体有面 、 棱、顶点.
互联网A cube is a special cuboid.
互联网Count how many points a cuboid has.
互联网A cuboid has six faces.
互联网Cuboid chamber maximizes the effective cubage. Microprocessor controller for temperature ensures a precise and reliable control.
长方体工作室,使有效容积达到最大, 微电脑温度控制器,控温精确可靠.
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