The spectrofluorimetric method is described for assaying ofloxacin in musculature of crucian, eel, carp and tilapia.
采用荧光光度法测定了鲫鱼 、 鳗鱼 、 鲤鱼和罗非鱼肌肉组织中的氧氟沙星药物残留量.
互联网The spectrofluorimetric method is described for assaying ciprofloxacin in musculature of crucian, eel, carp and tilapia.
采用荧光光度法测定了鲫鱼 、 鳗鱼 、 鲤鱼和罗非鱼肌肉组织中的环丙沙星药物残留量.
互联网Peng lustre crucian carp is a kind of high grade and efficient aquiculture new breed.
互联网The body color crucian carp and common carp are identical, but differ in color.
这些彩鲫鱼与普通鲫鱼体形完全相同, 只是体色有所差异.
互联网The Chuzhou Crucian carp is a native species of Crucian carp in ChuZhou reservoir.
互联网Cook fresh carp, methods more, braised bean curd soup crucian carp and especially tasty.
烹食鲫鱼, 方法较多, 以红烧鲫鱼与鲫鱼豆腐汤尤其鲜美.
互联网The good character expression of Peng lustre crucian carp is in: 1. Grow rate is rapid.
彭泽鲫的优良性状表现在: 1. 生长速度快.
互联网The safe concentrations of zinc, cadmium and chromium to crucian are far higher than the standard.
铜对鲫鱼的安全质量浓度略低于渔业水域水质标准,锌 、 镉和铬的安全质量浓度远远高于标准.
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