
  • 释义
  • [生](杂色体的)杂交,交换;[铁路]岔道,转线路;<英>(交搭胸前的)女围巾;天桥;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I told her the crossover from actress to singer is easier than singer to actress.


  • 2、

    The crossover also included amiloride and losartan.


  • 3、

    Digital Electronic Crossover, 12 V Speaker Driver and Earphone Driver are all in one convenient package.

    数码电子分音 、 12V扬声器驱动以及耳机驱动都在嵌入一个便利的封装中.

  • 4、

    Also, you will note some amount of aesthetic crossover between trends.

    同样, 你也会注意有些趋势是跨界的.

  • 5、

    Need to design crossover operator rationally while optimizing ANN.


  • 6、

    To prove the seriousness of his crossover bid, he brought several American stars on stage.

    为了证明他的文化交流的严肃主题, 他也邀请了几位美国明星.

  • 7、

    Nearly all serious loudspeaker designs have incorporated a crossover network.


  • 8、

    He also attacks the basketball himself aggressively by crossover his defenders or dunk front of them.


  • 9、

    The resulting crossover between various specialties and issues is often muddled, understandably.

    这个结果在不同种类的特别和出版交叉通常是混乱的, 不能明白的.

  • 10、

    Crossover: a place at which or the means by which a crossing is made.

    横跨结构,桥,渡口: 横跨或横渡的地方或使用的工具.

  • 11、

    This speaker is a good example of how useful a crossover design program can be.


  • 12、

    It also helps to keep the crossover point from shifting due to impedance variations.


  • 13、

    Examples show that the uniform two - point crossover is easy to be carried out and efficient.


  • 14、

    Tree structure coding is utilized and crossover and mutation are uniquely designed in this algorithm.


  • 15、

    A decimal separated coding is used so crossover and mutation is separated also.


  • 16、

    Crossovers: When the price oscillator falls below its signal line, the point of intersection is crossover.

    转线路: 当在它的信号行下面价格振荡器掉落时, 致命交叉点的意义是转线路.

  • 17、

    The probabilities of crossover and mutation adaptively determined according to fitnesses and fitness statistics of chromosomes.


  • 18、

    It improves and designs crossover operation and mutation operation for avoiding the local optimum.


  • 19、

    We finally reached the crossover point.


  • 20、

    Nissan's Scratch Guard Coat is currently available on the 2008 Infiniti EX 35 luxury crossover utility vehicle.


  • 21、

    Methods Optimize the routes by using the genetic algorithm ( GA ) whose crossover operator is improved.

    方法利用遗传算法进行优化,对 遗传 算法的交叉操作进行改进.

  • 22、

    This style brought Country Music to a broader audience had crossover hits during this period.


  • 23、

    To use chaos advantage, crossover and mutation frequency were dynamically controlled by chaos iteration sequence.

    为利用混沌优化技术, 交叉、变异频率都由混沌序列动态控制.

  • 24、

    China's Chery Automobile has marked down the price of its new crossover by 16 %.


  • 25、

    Add either a vertical pass or a crossover at either the top or the bottom.


  • 26、

    Rarely is one design style able to enjoy crossover appeal to a wide variety of tastes.

