Changes of blood glucose ( BG ), HbA _ 1 c , urinary microalbumin ( m - Alb ), serum creatinine ( SCr ) and blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) before and after treatment were ob - served.
观察治疗前后各组大鼠血糖 、 糖化血红蛋白(HbA_ 1c ) 、 尿微量白蛋白 ( m-Alb ) 、 血清肌酐 ( SCr ) 、血尿素氮 ( BUN ) 的变化.
互联网Creatinine clearance rate was 67.4 % as against 50 %.
——期刊摘选Meanwhile , microalbuminuria ( MAU ) 、 blood urea nitrogen ( BUN ) 、 creatinine ( Cr ) 、 creatinine clearance rate ( CcR ) were detected.
4)肾脏指标:静脉血尿素氮 ( BUN ),静脉血肌酐 ( Scr ), 尿微量白蛋白 ( MAU ),内生肌酐清除率 ( CcR ) .
互联网The creatinine clearance ( Ccr ) was calculated followed the Cockcroft - Gault formula.
采用Cockroft-Gault公式计算肌酐清除率 ( Ccr ).
互联网Also of course for diuretics, you also need to measure serum electrolytes and creatinine.
同样,对于利尿剂而言, 你也需要测量血浆电解质和肌酐.
互联网Purpose To analyze the reliability of enzymatic method to creatinine detecting.
互联网What about this topic and the use of S creatinine and glomerular filtrate rate?
那么关于血清肌酐和肾小球滤过率的应用方面将会有什么热点话题要讨论 呢 ?
——期刊摘选There was positive correlation of serum C - IV , LN to the levels of blood ureanitrogen ( BUN ), creatinine ( Cr ), urinary albumin excretionrate ( UAER ).
糖尿病肾病各组间血清C-IV 、LN水平 差异有显著性,随24h尿白蛋白排泄率 ( UAER ) 增加,血清C -IV 、 LN水平 递增,血清C-IV 、 LN与 尿素氮 ( BUN ) 、 肌酐 ( Cr ) 、UAER呈正相关.
互联网Serum creatinine, creatinine clearance, proteinuria and blood pressure were recorded at baseline.
血清肌酸酐, 内生肌酐清除率, 蛋白尿,血压在基线水平.
互联网Objective to explore the effects of orgemophorus pesticide on lipid peroxidase ( Lpo ), creatinine ( Cr ) andblood urea nitrpogen ( Bun ).
目的:探讨有机磷农药对过氧化脂质 ( Lpo ) 、 肌酐 ( Cr ) 、尿素氮 ( Bun ) 的影响.
互联网B: check kidney blood urea nitrogen and serum creatinine.
肾功能检查: 测定血尿素氮和肌酐.
互联网Creatinine clearance should be calculated for every elderly patient to enable appropriate dosing.
互联网Serum creatinine and total proteinuria were assessed 6 and 12 months after renal biopsy.
互联网Diagnostic criteria for AKI are proposed based on acute alterations in serum creatinine or urine output.
互联网The determination of creatinine in human serum by liquid chromatography - isotope dilution mass spectrometry is described.
利用液相色谱 - 同位素稀释质谱法准确测定血清中的肌酸酐含量.
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