
  • 释义
  • 古怪的;(机器)不稳的;摇晃的;待修理的;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The teaching methods and learning techniques are rusty, cranky and antiquated.

    教学方法和学习方法是陈腐 、 呆板而过时的.

  • 2、

    Were your kids wowed by new wonders or cranky with jet lag?


  • 3、

    It was and many politicians and army medical men felt it was revolutionary and positively cranky.


  • 4、

    " Why are you so cranky today? Something happened? "

    你今天怎么这么容易生气? 发生什么事了 吗 ?

  • 5、

    Why often cranky, those who feel oneself are vivid is very tired.

    为什么老是胡思乱想, 觉得自己活的好累.

  • 6、

    On the loudspeaker his voice turned dull and cranky.


  • 7、

    Armande Voizin: I see a cranky old woman too tired to play games.

    阿曼达: 我看到了一个糟老太婆,讨厌玩这种游戏.

  • 8、

    His mother has cranky recently.


  • 9、

    Seen was particularly cranky and quarreled with another little boy.


  • 10、

    Are you really this cranky in person?

    你真的是个难以预测(疯狂)的人 吗 ?

  • 11、

    Am I always cranky before menstruation?


  • 12、

    Soothe a child who is sick or cranky.


  • 13、

    Well when a woman is giving birth does she not get cranky at times?


  • 14、

    Gemini: Engages in intellectual conversations with the older relatives until they become cranky with confusion.

    双子: 忙着和长辈谈天论地,直到连他们自己也被搞懵了.

  • 15、

    I am a love cranky woman.


  • 16、

    True him feeling is very tired, what method can let not don't oneself go cranky?

    真的感觉自己好累, 有什么办法可以让不自己不去胡思乱想?

  • 17、

    She was not always cranky. Her nasty mood struck her at the strangest times.

    她并非总是那么怪癖. 她那令人讨厌的情绪让她有时怪异极了.

  • 18、

    She is just old and cranky.


  • 19、

    You jerk me around on this, and I'm going to get cranky right in your face.

    如果你在这件事上耍我, 我要当面给你好看.

  • 20、

    People who are sleep deprived are often cranky and slow thinking.


  • 21、

    His mother has been cranky recently.


  • 22、

    I know it is cranky to be indignant.


  • 23、

    Katherine: clean, forgiving, cranky, impatient, shy.

    爱干净, 宽容, 任性, 缺乏耐心, 害羞.

  • 24、

    We've both been cranky, and said a lot of things we didn't mean.

    刚才我们俩都是因为脾气太急躁, 才说了一大堆不该说的气话.

  • 25、

    Joseph feels cranky early in the morning.


  • 26、

    You're known for your sarcastic style on the air, and even being a little cranky.

    记者:你在行内以辛辣著称, 甚至有点儿粗鲁.

  • 27、

    But I sense that isn't the reason that so many investors are feeling so cranky.


  • 28、

    The Front has often been dismissed as a cranky fringe group.


  • 29、

    Vegetarianism has shed its cranky image.


  • 30、

    It was a long trek, and Jack and I both started to get cranky after about ten minutes.

