
[ ˈkrænbəri]
  • 释义
  • [植]蔓越橘;酸果蔓的果实;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Palate is very soft with dark cherry, cranberry, and currant fruits.

    味道是黑樱桃, 小红莓, 醋栗和水果.

  • 2、

    It does its job with subtlety, however, spurning the hammer intensity of something like cranberry juice.

    然而, 它与微妙做它的工作践踏象酸果蔓的果实果汁一样的一些东西的榔头紧张.

  • 3、

    Some good things you should try though are cranberry juice, wild rice and yoghurt.

    一些你应该吃的健康食物包括酸果蔓汁, 菰米和酸奶.

  • 4、

    There will be plum pudding, mince pie, other varieties of food and cranberry juice and squash.

    另外还备有葡萄干布丁 、 肉馅饼 、 各种其它食物以及红莓苔汁和鲜果汁.

  • 5、

    Goji berries are chewy and taste like a cross between a cranberry and a cherry.


  • 6、

    What industry trends are likely to affect cranberry processing and how?


  • 7、

    Of course, sweetie. We'll need them for cranberry dish.

    当然, 宝贝儿. 吃越橘子我们要用它们.

  • 8、


    膀胱炎? 多喝点酸莓汁吧!

  • 9、

    Actually I prefer canned cranberry sauce.


    ——无师自通 校园英语会话
  • 10、

    Traditional Christmas dinner consists of roast turkey, potatoes, vegetables and cranberry sauce.

    传统的圣诞大餐包括烤火鸡, 土豆, 蔬菜和红莓酱.

  • 11、

    Turkey reminds me of cranberry sauce.


    ——无师自通 校园英语会话
  • 12、

    The juicy turkey is usually accompanied with a seasoned bread stuffing and thick cranberry sauce.


  • 13、

    And a good cranberry sauce is a must!


  • 14、

    The antioxidative activity of cranberry extracts and its stability in different conditions were studied photometric method.


  • 15、

    Will: It's called a Bellini . It's a famous cocktail made with Prosecco, vodka, and cranberry juice.

    威尔: 它叫贝里尼,是用波塞可 、 特加和蔓越莓汁调做的知名鸡尾酒.

  • 16、

    A refreshing mixture of cranberry and apple juices with lime and a splash of soda.


  • 17、

    Trinny: It's made with peach 2 schnapps, vodka, and orange and cranberry juice.

    崔妮: 这是用水蜜桃杜松子酒 、 伏特加, 以及柳橙和小红莓汁调成.

  • 18、

    And then the young woman said, " Mr. Cranberry will see you now. "

    后来,那个年轻的女子说: “ 克雷伯里先生现在要见你. ”

  • 19、

    Raspberry Zinger , Cranberry Apple Zinger, Country Peach Passion, Black Cherry Berry, Tangerine Orange Zinger.

    果茶样板含五种口味:木莓, 酸莓苹果, 乡村桃情, 黑樱桃果莓, 和柑橘.

  • 20、

    The key ingredients are damask rose water, frankincense, neroli, black tea and cranberry.

    它关键成份是大马士革玫瑰纯露 、 乳香 、 橙花 、 红茶和蔓越莓.

  • 21、

    I roll like a boss, 9 - 11 po same colour as cranberry sauce.

    老子像一个滚动的老板, 9日至11日浦颜色相同的红莓酱.

  • 22、

    And many other delicious foods! Pumpkin pies, nuts, cranberry sauce and corn.

    还有很多别的美味食物 —— 南瓜派 、 坚果 、 红莓酱和玉米.

  • 23、

    So many things are unsafe these days—milk, cranberry sauce, what have you.


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