
  • 释义
  • 陡峭的,崎岖的,多岩石的;嶙峋;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Gunmetal sheen of sundown bathes craggy terrain where the Rio Grande cuts a tortuous path.


  • 2、

    The short, craggy Property Protection chief settled down in a facing chair.

    这位身材短小, 面孔粗犷的财产保卫部部长在对面一张椅子上坐了下来.

  • 3、

    He had a craggy face.


  • 4、

    Territory surrounded by mountains, between hilly, craggy, are mountain basin.

    境内四面环山, 中间丘陵起伏, 沟壑纵横, 是山间盆地.

  • 5、

    Extraordinary rocks , craggy cliffs, secluded caves, and red leaves are the four features of this base.

    峭壁 、 幽洞 、 红叶 、 悬空建筑是景区的四大特色.

  • 6、

    Mr Brown, by contrast, can come over as craggy and brooding.

    而布朗却恰恰相反,令人印象深刻, 不善辞令.

  • 7、

    His craggy face was serious.


  • 8、

    His craggy face and piercing eyes are intimidating.


  • 9、

    Its people are hearty; its terrain can be craggy and daunting, or softly pacifying.

    它的人民是热诚的; 它的地形可能是崎岖吓人的, 或者说是软软地让人感到抚慰.

  • 10、

    Grand Canyon the two sides are red rock fault, craggy rock, called uncanny workmanship.

    大峡谷两岸都是红色巨岩断层, 岩层嶙峋, 堪称鬼斧神工.

  • 11、

    He's a very small man with a lined, craggy face.

