
  • 释义
  • 共同工作的人,同事,合作者;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?


  • 2、

    I blame a coworker for a mistake.


  • 3、

    Monica and her coworker Patrick are walking to the station work.


  • 4、

    Q: Describe a time when you had to assist a coworker.

    98问: 请举出你帮助一位同事的例子.

  • 5、

    Dennis, a loan officer, is handing a business plan to his coworker Nina.


  • 6、

    My coworker suddenly quIt'so i have to work overtime to pick up the slack.


  • 7、

    Tell me about time when you hadconfrontation with coworker or boss.


  • 8、

    Keep antibacterial for werehing your hands, especially despite interacting with a sick coworker.

    勤用有抗生素的香皂洗手, 尤其是接触过生病的同事之后.

  • 9、

    Whether you're talking to a manager or a coworker, be succinct and direct.

    无论和经理还是和同事说话, 都要简洁直接.

  • 10、

    Pray for each fellowship and group. May God grant the strength to each leader and coworker.

    为各团契、小组在今年所要完成的目标及事工祷告, 求神赐下感动与能力给所有带领的小组长及同工们.

  • 11、

    Can a guy ask a coworker for a date without crossing the line?


  • 12、

    And you don't want to ask your potential boss something that's best for a future coworker.


  • 13、

    An annoying coworker, on the other hand, can make you want to hide under the covers.

    相反, 让人讨厌的同事会让你想要躲得远远的.

  • 14、

    Handle a difficult situation with a coworker.


  • 15、

    The relationship between coworker relations and feedback seeking behavior was only partially mediated by psychological safety.


  • 16、

    Will my pills for restless leg syndrome do anything for a coworker with restless mouth syndrome?

    那个对于我的整日不休的腿有疗效的药片是否对同事那些整日不休的嘴有效 呢 ?

  • 17、

    Her coworker was sick so she had a lot of work to do today.


  • 18、

    I : Tell me about a time when you had a confrontation with a coworker or boss.


  • 19、

    Be ready to teach a buddy or coworker something new every day.


  • 20、

    Gordon: Is he a coworker?

    戈登: 他是你的同事 吗 ?

  • 21、

    Your boss sends you a nasty message or a coworker really makes you mad.


  • 22、

    Do you recognize any of the top six most annoying coworker types?

    你是否认识这六种最让人讨厌的同事中的任何一种 呢 ?

  • 23、

    Qescribe a time when you had to assist a coworker.


  • 24、

    Think of the recruiter as a respected coworker and treat them accordingly.


  • 25、

    Has anyone close to you been sick lately, a family member a coworker?


  • 26、

    He was actually set up by his coworker!


  • 27、

    I have a Vietnamese coworker who supposedly was a fearsome badminton player in high school.

