<术>连署,副署,会签 (文件)( countersign的过去式 );
" Behold your papers, Jarvis Lorry, countersigned. "
“ 看看你们的证件吧! 贾维斯-罗瑞,已经签过字了. ”
英汉文学 - 双城记The payment has to countersigned by the mortgagor.
口语例句Competitor aged under 21, this application form must be countersigned by guardian.
年龄未满21岁之赛员, 必须由监护人于表格上签署.
互联网Enclosed is the duplication of our countersigned sales contract.
互联网They signed the agreement; it was then countersigned by the president.
他们在协议上签署后, 再由总裁连署.
互联网The note must be countersigned by a doctor.
互联网This security catalog is not valid. The certificate which countersigned this security catalog is not valid.
互联网When the Sales Contract has been signed by the seller, it countersigned by the buyer.
销售合同经卖方签署后, 须经买方会签.
互联网We return here with a copy of sales contract, duly countersigned by us.
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