
  • 释义
  • 皮质;树皮;果皮;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Eg. The latter involves microwaves aimed at the auditory cortex.

    例如, 后者卷入了微波瞄准听觉皮层.

  • 2、

    Objective : To study the antibacterial action in vitro of compound cortex dictamni lotion.

    目的: 探讨复方白鲜皮洗剂的体外抗菌作用.

  • 3、

    Methods: Electronmicroscopic examination on cerebral cortex derived from patients with AVM or aneurysm.

    方法: 对取自不同年龄组动静脉畸形或动脉瘤病人的脑皮层标本进行了电镜检查.

  • 4、

    The amygdala also sends information back to the frontal cortex.


  • 5、

    A bluish white cartilagenous cap overlies the bony cortex.


  • 6、

    Objective : To research on the in vitro growth inhibition effect of Cortex Cinnamomi on bacteria.

    目的: 探讨肉桂的体外抑菌作用.

  • 7、

    Adjust cuticle condition, effectively protect skin's cortex to prevent keratinize excessively.

    调节角质层状态, 有效保护肌肤皮质层,防止过分角质化.

  • 8、

    The search begins in the prefrontal cortex, where neurons process the goal " find keys ".

    寻找过程发端于脑额叶前部皮层, 由这里的神经元处理 “ 找钥匙 ” 这个目标.

  • 9、

    Before any operation it would be necessary to check whether the renal cortex does function normally.


  • 10、

    The thymic cortex and medulla developed completely at stage 16.


  • 11、

    Objective. To theoretically predict the optimal vertebral density and thickness of the vertebral cortex and endplates.


  • 12、

    Several areas in the brain's prefrontal cortex 9 are especially important for attentional processing.


  • 13、

    They showed activity in the elbow and shoulder areas of the motor cortex respectively.


  • 14、

    The scientists transplanted healthy cortex tissue from fetal rats into these disabled animals.


  • 15、

    Although small , silver fox, but the most expensive of the cortex.

    别看银狐小巧, 皮质可是最为昂贵的.

  • 16、

    Relative cerebral cortex ofbrain white matter, also known as the medulla.


  • 17、

    However , seeing the snake also uses another part of the brain, the cortex.

    比如, 当你猛然见到一条蛇时,类扁桃体会使你四肢僵硬,出冷汗, 心跳加速甚至拔腿跑掉.

  • 18、

    For example, the reward chemicals such as dopamine have their primary effects on our frontal cortex.

    例如, 像多巴胺这样能给人带来益处的化学介质对我们的大脑前皮层具有至关重要的作用.

  • 19、

    The glomeruli, located in the cortex, are the site of most cases of renal parenchymal disease.


  • 20、

    Coffey and colleagues gauged shrinkage of the cortex by measuring the cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain.


  • 21、

    They focused on the cerebral cortex, or gray matter, which is responsible for higher thinking.


  • 22、

    The cerebral cortex is the headquarters of human body.


  • 23、

    Pale deposits of amyloid are present in the cortex, most prominently at the upper center.

    皮质有灰白色淀粉样沉积物, 在图中上方最明显.

  • 24、

    To investigate the improvement of experiment on cerebral cortex evoked potential in rat.


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