
  • 释义
  • 外形,轮廓;(地图上表示相同海拔各点的)等高线;概要;电路;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The ears are well feathered and fit into the rounded contour of the head.


  • 2、

    Methods: To use acellular dermal matrix for correction of face defects and contour deformities.

    方法: 应用无细胞真皮基质进行面部凹陷及轮廓畸形的填充整复.

  • 3、

    The cursor or a contour line the graphics object must be in the snap range.

    光标或图形对象的一个轮廓线必须在坐标线范围内. 您也可以使用选项栏页面边距对齐图标.

  • 4、

    The outline is taken as that of the contour line defining its base.


  • 5、

    The valve features a transitional flow contour that increases in flow area from inlet to outlet.


  • 6、

    A moire contour drawing with the quantity of depth is presented.


  • 7、

    The contour of the Atlantic coast of America is very irregular.


  • 8、

    The crucial procedure of contour detection for corneal endothelium image is to segment cells from background.


  • 9、

    Contour filling is one of the most important problems in image and graphics processing.


  • 10、

    It clings to the hill tightly, following every contour.


  • 11、

    The model was comprised of a contour comprising matrix and a polychromatic graph.


  • 12、

    Menu with one of edge detection, coordinate, contour, etc. realize.

    用其中的菜单进行边缘检测, 坐标, 轮廓等的实现.

  • 13、

    Line Plot , Field Image, Gray Image, Contour Plot, Multi Display, Topology Map, Packet.

    分别为节点数据列表, 曲线图,彩色场图, 灰度场图,等值线图, 混合显示, 拓扑图以及数.

  • 14、

    This paper presents an approach to terrain uniqueness analysis in terrain contour matching.


  • 15、

    With the writing line or the stroke, must express the object the contour characteristic, outlines specifically.

    用文字的线条或笔画, 把要表达物体的外形特征, 具体地勾画出来.

  • 16、

    Assistant plastic surgeries remodel facial contour of's " line for Chinese.

    本文介绍的手术设计和手术方法强化了手术效果,突出了面部 “ S ” 形曲线美.

  • 17、

    The Mazda 3 lines are smooth, although the contour is not rampant, but suffices outstanding absolutely.

    马自达3的线条流畅, 外形虽不嚣张, 但是绝对够抢眼.

  • 18、

    Longer more rigid pad that fits to the contour of the rim for better braking.


  • 19、

    Contour Wei purpose by painting images of the surrounding line.


  • 20、

    Usage: Apply appropriate amount of it on the eye contour and massage until complete absorption.

    令眼部神采飞扬使用方法: 取适量均匀涂抹于眼部,配合适当按摩直至完全吸收.

  • 21、

    The contour of the carbon seat also fit me very well.


  • 22、

    Method of Use : Use the lip pencil to outline your lip contour before applying the lipstick.

    使用方法: 选择接近唇膏颜色的色号,沿着需要的唇部轮廓仔细描画.

  • 23、

    The temperature contour and moisture distribution in the bed are also calculated and analyzed.


  • 24、

    The vague contour of Jay Gatsby had filled out to the substantiality of a man.


  • 25、

    There were three moderate climbs to just below the 450 feet contour.

