Decline in contaminant concentrations has not eliminated the need for sport fish consumption advisories.
互联网A new design method for effluent treatment system with a single contaminant is presented.
——期刊摘选These threads are lubricated and these lubricants can be an unwanted contaminant in high purity applications.
——期刊摘选Study on the Joint Deformation and the Interface Contaminant Ejection Rate in DC Upset Butt Welding.
——期刊摘选What contaminant should you be most about and why?
——期刊摘选The waste water is greatest contaminant, and it is major harness content.
PCB废水是PCB企业 产生最大污染源和主要治理的内容.
——期刊摘选Good demulsibility promotes quick water separation. If water is an unavoidable contaminant, thereby ensuring effective lubrication.
抗乳化性强,能迅速把水份分离, 减少因水份而对润滑性做影响.
——期刊摘选Petroleum is the main contaminant in seawater, which has severely damaged sea and beach environments.
石油是海洋环境的主要污染物, 已经对海洋及近岸环境造成了严重的危害.
——期刊摘选Study on Contaminant Transportation and Transformation in Soil.
——期刊摘选Phytoinvestigation : The examination of plants at a site for information about contaminant presence, distribution, and concentration.
植物监测,通过对某地植物鉴定以得出污染物存在 、 分布 、 浓度的信息.
——期刊摘选Contaminant, Particulate ( see light point defect )
污染微粒 ( 参见光点缺陷 )
——期刊摘选She says contaminant flood waters contaminated floodwaters can cause fatal illnesses, such as diarrhea and cholera.
她说,污染的洪水可以引起致命的疾病, 如痢疾和霍乱.
——期刊摘选This paper puts forward the detection principle of computer vision based shape characteristic of solid contaminant.
——期刊摘选With that relation , oil's ISO 4406 contamination level can be estimated if the contaminant weight is known.
据此, 可以用重量法所测结果推算油液的ISO4406污染度等级.
——期刊摘选Product must be destroyed if the metal contaminant cannot be found.
——期刊摘选Oil pollution is the first pollution source and contaminant of the seas and oceans.
——期刊摘选The likely source of that contaminant in the local drinking water supply.
——期刊摘选The effect of the change of transport parameters on contaminant transport through GCL has been analyzed.
——期刊摘选The contaminant transport equation is solved by the ADI method.
——期刊摘选According to concerning a report, those who pass processing feed water, contain imperceptible organic contaminant more.
据有关报告, 经过处理的食水, 多含有微细的有机污染物.
——期刊摘选英语网 · 商务英语
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