Natural vegetation in temperate, warm temperate deciduous, broad - leaved, coniferous forest and deciduous shrubs dominated.
自然植被以温带 、 暖温带落叶 、 阔叶 、 针叶林和落叶灌木为主.
互联网Boreal forests occupy the subarctic zone and are generally evergreen and coniferous.
互联网Examples are heath associations and coniferous forest associations.
互联网Habitats in tropical and subtropical mountain forest, coniferous forest, forest edge grass, bamboo forest or savanna.
栖息于热带、亚热带的山地阔叶林 、 针阔混交林 、 林缘草坡 、 竹林或稀树草原.
互联网Fusions were common between strains from deciduous hosts or coniferous hosts.
辞典例句Drag onto the page, then right - click to make coniferous or deciduous.
拖到绘图页上, 然后右击,使之成为针叶树或落叶树.
互联网Most of the Siberian regional climate is temperate coniferous forests.
互联网This coniferous tree has a conical silhouette and thick bark.
互联网Vegetation in the reserve includes: deciduous forest, coniferous broad - leafforestforest, Alpine bush woods, and grass land, etc.
区内植被包括原生 阔叶树 林、针阔叶树混交林 、 针叶树林 、 高山灌丛与草生地等山地植物相.
互联网On these soils, pine dominates and makes up the coniferous border with the montane birch forest.
在这些土壤, 杉木控制并且组成与山桦树森林的具球果边界.
互联网Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine spruce . As distinct from pulp.
用软木 ( 针叶树 ),例如枞, 松, 杉等, 所制成的纸浆有别于硬木浆.
互联网Softwood pulp: Pulp made from softwood ( coniferous ) trees, e . g. fir. pine, spruce . As distinct from Hardwood pulp.
软木浆: 用软木 ( 针叶树 ), 例如枞, 松, 杉等,所制成的纸浆有别于硬木浆.
互联网Drag to add a tree. You can configure the tree as coniferous or deciduous.
通过拖动添加树木. 可将树木设置为针叶树或落叶树.
互联网Sphaeropsis saline is a destructive pathogen of coniferous species in many areas of the world.
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