
  • 释义
  • 集合,聚集;

  • 词义辨析
  • congregate, assemble, collect, gather
  • 这组词都有“收集”“聚集”“收捡”的意思。它们的区别在于:
    He hung up the map on the wall and collected political cadres and teachers to address them.他把那张地图挂在墙上,召集政治干部和政治教员来给他们讲话。
    He travels about the world gathering facts about the little-known disease.他走遍世界,收集鲜为人知的疾病资料。
    The hosts are gathered in the adjoining lounge.许多人聚集在隔壁的休息室里。
    More and more water was gathering in the swamp.沼泽地里的水越积越多。
    He called us all together, and told the assembled company that the exams had been cancelled.他把我们召集到一起,告诉大家考试已经取消。
    The members assembled in the meeting room.成员们都聚集在会议室。
    Assemble your papers and put them in the file.把你的文件归拢好放在这个文件夹内。
    A crowd congregated around the orator.一群人聚集在演说者的周围。
    The crowd congregated in the town square to hear the President speak.人群聚集到市镇广场上来听总统讲话。
    Cattle congregate during a storm.在暴风雨中,牲口聚集在一起。
  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    All the big game congregate here, and birdlife is particularly prolific.


  • 2、

    When the process parameters are not appropriate, the oxide and impurity congregate between the layered microstructures.

    当工艺参数不恰当时, 该区域层间易产生氧化物和杂质物的富集.

  • 3、

    Where crowds of people congregate such as in restaurants, cinemas, theatres and the like.

    人群聚集处,如餐厅 、 影院 、 剧场等等.

  • 4、

    All they can do is yell – or congregate on fairways brandishing their sickles.


  • 5、

    There is no open area where the possessors at this rude village might congregate.


  • 6、

    The aggregate factors include infrastructure, congregate economy, human resources, perfect government and law system, and etc.

    随着社会和经济的发展,区位因素也发生了变化,外商直接投资更重视基础设施 、 集聚效应 、 人力资本 、 完善的政府制度和法律制度等.

  • 7、

    A small gang of forest buffalo congregate on the beach in Loango National Park.


  • 8、

    In data analysis, congregate is a process of large amount original data.

    汇总被广泛应用于数据分析, 是一种对原始数据进行统计加工整理的过程.

  • 9、

    You can't hibernate the winter away, but whenever possible, avoid situations where contagious people congregate.

    虽然你不可能(一些动物那样)冬眠的办法去度过整个冬天, 不过,你还是可以做到尽可能不去那些有传染性的人群聚集的场所.

  • 10、

    I feel happy and important to know, all of you congregate here because of me.


  • 11、

    Now they can offer a digital place for their readers to congregate and talk.


  • 12、

    Sometimes sex offenders are barred from living near places where children congregate.


  • 13、

    We sacrifice some personal purposes, take up the responsibility congregate for some common interests.

    我们牺牲了个人的某些目的, 担负起职责,为了一些共同的利益,走到了一起.

  • 14、

    People congregate to listen me speak.


  • 15、

    The highbrows usually congregate there.


  • 16、

    Many Aquarians like small weddings in unusual places where friends, more than family, congregate to celebrate.

    水瓶:许多瓶子喜欢与朋友, 而不是和家人一起庆祝自己的婚礼.

  • 17、

    Once each week multitudes congregate at worshiping to pay homage and respet to Him.


  • 18、

    But the applications went to the local police, who had no interest in letting troublemakers congregate.

    但是当地方警察予以实施时, 他们对让那些惹麻烦的人集合起来毫无兴趣.

  • 19、

    On New Year's Eve, close to a million people congregate there to celebrate.

    每年的新年前夕, 将近一百万人在这里庆祝新年.

  • 20、

    Young people often congregate in the main square in the evenings.


  • 21、

    Father Illtyd kept open house and the boys would congregate in his study during their recreation time, playing cards or games.

