Life Confucianism devotes itself to the rebuilding of Confucian metaphysics.
互联网Second, seen from the method of research, Neo - Confucianism an argumentative philosophy.
其次, 从研究方法看, 道学是义理之学.
互联网Even Neo - Confucianism also a Neo - Confucianism and the Lu - Wang Xin Xue distinction.
互联网Task group the main feature of Confucianism is moral politics.
互联网After this, this kind of influence had being extended all with Neo - Confucianism.
尔后, 这种影响一直延续,并愈演愈烈.
互联网The Legality of State -- Suppose Plato and Confucianism Encounter Us Today.
互联网Jerry : Of course, Chinese literators also accept the positive attitude of Confucianism.
当然, 中国文人很多容纳了儒家的兼善精神.
互联网The Confucius is the thinker, educator, founder of the Confucianism.
孔子是我国古代著名的思想家 、 育家 、 家学派创始人.
互联网The most important factor should be the Confucianism orthodox tradition law thought.
互联网Neo - Daoism must develop harmoniously with modern Neo - Confucianism and modern Daoism.
互联网FS : But Confucianism is all based on a terminology of morality.
互联网Three Religions is a aggregate title of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.
三教概念的发展,可分几个阶段,即魏晋南北朝 、 宋 、 明清.
互联网Are Children in China still taught about confucianism today?
现在的中国儿童仍然接受孔子主义的教育 吗 ?
互联网The architectural form of Beijing quadrangle is deeply influenced by Confucianism.
互联网There are substantial differences between the Confucianism and the Buddhism.
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