Bridget , conflicted and deeply wounded, is unyielding and slow to understand.
布蕾吉特很矛盾 、 很受伤;她桀骜不逊、拙于理解.
互联网If you are not personally conflicted about the issue, select another topic.
又假定你对该主题并未感到两难, 选别的主题吧.
——期刊摘选The writer is a conflicted being who longs for closeness with others while staying aloof.
——期刊摘选This statement conflicted with the one they made last month.
——期刊摘选Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her.
——期刊摘选She turned down Batman Forever because it conflicted with the filming of While You Were Sleeping.
——期刊摘选Its latent significance is conflicted with its mainstream ideology of the surface.
——期刊摘选Surveying underground is influenced by all kinds of factors, which is frequently conflicted with other work.
井下测量作业受各种因素影响, 经常与其他工作发生冲突.
——期刊摘选Much of America may be conflicted about who he is, but he is not.
许多美国人可能对小布什到底是怎样一个人而意见不一, 但小布什对自己却很有自知之明.
——期刊摘选The answer lies in what Prof McKinnon calls " conflicted virtue "
回答在于麦金农教授所称的 “ 冲突的美德 ”
——期刊摘选Bush was a conflicted guy whose voice was a combination of John Wayne and Liberace.
——期刊摘选This conflicted with views which held that no mineral should be more radioactive than metallic uraniurn.
——期刊摘选Clinton's not tormented , but he does seem conflicted.
克林顿的仕途虽然谈不上坎坷, 但是,他有时看起来内心充满矛盾.
——期刊摘选Has France ever conflicted with England in modern history?
在现代史上,法国与英国之间发生过冲突 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Through foregoing, it is sure everyone likes integrated society instead of conflicted society.
纵观前述, 相信大家都是喜爱融合的社会,而讨厌冲突的社会.
——期刊摘选The scientific and technological advancement and humane spirit will not be mutually conflicted and irresistible.
——期刊摘选The two accounts of what had happened conflicted with each other.
——期刊摘选I can't help but feel conflicted in my emotions.
——期刊摘选So when might it change? The answer lies in what Prof McKinnon calls " conflicted virtue "
什么时候有可能改变 呢 ?回答在于麦金农教授所称的 “ 冲突的美德 ”
——期刊摘选We should give up those things that are repellent to others and those conflicted moods.
——期刊摘选All these actions by the company conflicted with the universally accepted business rules.
——期刊摘选Since man entered the industrialization society, environmental protection and economy development have become conflicted economyenvironmental problems.
人类进入工业化社会以来, 环境保护与经济发展已成为一对尖锐的矛盾.
——期刊摘选Even Hollywood, with its many proud liberals, appeared conflicted.
甚至在好莱坞, 这个拥有很多骄傲的自由主义者的地方, 也出现了分歧.
——期刊摘选Without forgiveness, we are hollow men and women, empty and conflicted on the inside.
没有赦免, 我们就是空洞的男人和女人, 内心里满是空虚和矛盾.
——期刊摘选Again, someone was suffering discomfort and participants felt conflicted about whether or not to intervene.
同样的, 某些人倍感不安,被试们对于是否应该干预犹豫不决.
——期刊摘选Sometimes, however, they conflicted.
——期刊摘选Despite knowing that all sons must one day live their own lives, Alexei is conflicted.
阿列克谢尽管明知天下做儿子的总有一天都要过自己的生活, 可他还是矛盾着.
——期刊摘选He held firm opinions which usually conflicted with my own.
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