
  • 释义
  • 忏悔室,(教堂内的)告解室;“confession”的派生;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Their first album was painfully frank to the point of being confessional.


  • 2、

    Originally baptism was mainly for adults, so that the confessional element in the rite was evident.

    最初洗礼仪式主要针对成年人, 所以仪式中忏悔的要素是明显确实的.

  • 3、

    The convictions rest solely on disputed witness and confessional statements.


  • 4、

    Anne Sexton is the most important confessional poet in America.


  • 5、

    When I opened my eyes, the confessional and all the chains were gone.

    当我睁开眼睛时, 忏悔室和那些链条都消失了.

  • 6、

    The results, unusually, were determined not by confessional divisions but by political alignments.

    不同寻常的是, 选举结果不是以宗教分歧而是以政治路线决定.

  • 7、

    Unlike Lowell's, his poems are neither autobiographical nor confessional.

    和洛厄尔不同, 他的诗既不是自传性质的,也不是忏悔的.

  • 8、

    A drunken man staggered into a Catholic church, sat down in the Confessional and said nothing.

    一个男人喝得酩酊大醉,摇摇摆摆地走进一座天主教堂, 一言不发地坐在忏悔室中.

  • 9、

    Christianity is not only a salvation religion, it is a confessional religion.

    基督教不仅是救赎人生的宗教, 也是告解悔罪的宗教.

  • 10、

    Don Corleone listened like a priest in the confessional, gazing away into the distance, impassive, remote.

    堂-科利昂象个告解室里的祖父一样听着, 向远处凝视着, 没有表情, 冷漠.

  • 11、

    A drunk staggers into a Catholic church , enters a confessional box, sits down but says nothing.

    一个醉汉摇摇晃晃地走进了天主教堂的忏悔室, 坐下来,不说话.

  • 12、

    In the confessional Father Sullivan recognized her and began asking her about her work.


  • 13、

    I just hate to lie with confessional.


  • 14、

    A drunk staggers into a Catholic Church . enters a confessional box. sits down but says nothing.

    一个喝醉的人摇摇晃晃地走进天主教堂. 进入忏悔室坐了下来. 却什么也没说.

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