(使)变稠或变浓,浓缩( condense的现在分词 );(使)凝结;简说,摘要,简述;
These types of conjunctive words can be summarized into three types: juxtaposing, attaching, and condensing.
这类连词可分为并列式 、 附加式 、 压缩式三种.
互联网An energy saving method by condensing steam is presented.
互联网Determine heat removing coefficients according to condensing temperature and wet - bulb temperature.
互联网Determine designing conditions such as condensing temperature and wet - bulb temperature.
互联网Out of the conventional design, make product condensing lamp light and vitality.
跳出常规的设计, 让产品凝聚着灯与光的生命力.
互联网Condensing this dense material will take immerse expense and intense work.
互联网As a reference for designing condensing gas water heaters.
互联网Vacuum condenser is applicable to condensing exhaust steam from steam turbine.
互联网The immense expense in condensing the steam made me tense.
互联网Prevent protein in acid milk from condensing, settling and laminating.
互联网Advanced patent manufacture with high condensing efficiency.
互联网Air - conditioning, cooling, condensing, dehumidification and drying works.
空调, 冷却, 冷凝, 除湿、烘干等工程.
互联网One is done by distillation, which involves heating thethe water evaporates, and then condensing the vapor.
加热蒸馏法是将盐水加热, 使水分蒸发, 然后再使蒸汽冷凝成水.
互联网Detergent or other chemical materials are forbidden. Don't clean dust by condensing air.
不要用清洁剂或其它化学物品, 也请不要用压缩空气来扫除尘灰.
互联网The other acts as a zone, condensing kitchens, bathrooms, laundry, and storage behind sliding glass doors.
另外一部份是服务区, 冷凝厨房, 浴室, 洗衣房, 储藏间位于玻璃滑动门后面.
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