Conceptually, anti - aliasing is performed by oversampling the image and resampling at the screen resolution.
从概念上说, 反走样通过对图像实行基于屏幕分辨率的过采样和再采样来实现.
互联网The monograph is conceptually confused, unclear in its structure and weak in its methodology.
——柯林斯例句It is simple conceptually and easy to automate.
辞典例句In addition to these practical difficulties, amnesty is a bad approach conceptually.
除了这些很现实的困难,从对观念的影响来看, 搞特赦也并非良策.
互联网These three different methods of QE are conceptually distinct but operationally fungible.
互联网This research examines information systems in large , conceptually and quantitatively.
互联网Service Industry is conceptually different from the Thind Industry.
互联网Conceptually, the idea is quite simple.
从理论上说, 这个想法非常简单.
互联网He can no longer think conceptually.
互联网Conceptually the two processes are equivalent.
互联网Understand the marketing objectives and business problems of your client and think conceptually to solve them.
互联网Metadata tokens are conceptually similar to pointers, persisted in MSIL, that reference a particular metadata table.
元数据标记在概念上和指针相似, 永久驻留在MSIL中, 引用特定的元数据表.
互联网Comments: closely linked to the development of serialism, can be difficult to interpret conceptually.
主要音乐概念: 内心情绪的表现,心理描写,主观意识,极端半音阶作风, 向十二音阶(列主义)系发展的趋势,极端不和谐音的使用.
互联网Conceptually simple and numerically efficient, this methodology could be extended to other highly heterogeneous fields.
概念简单而且数模有效, 这种方法可以推广到其他非均质性高的油田中.
互联网Conceptually, organization costs are an intangible asset that will benefit the corporation over its entire life.
从概念上讲, 开办费是一项无形资产,它将使公司在其整个存续期受益.
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