Butterbur and coltsfoot belong to two different genera of Compositae.
互联网The characteristics of antifungal constituents in thefamilies of Gramineae, Leguminosae, Rosaceae, Compositae and Cruciferae were emphasized.
侧重介绍了禾本科 、 豆科 、 蔷薇科 、 菊科和十字花科植物中抗病原真菌的活性物质的特点.
互联网But many were classified in Rosaceae, Leguminosae, Labiatae, Compositae etc.
其中,以蔷薇科 、 豆科 、 唇形科 、 菊科等科种类较多.
互联网Ainsliaea fragrans Champ , is plant of Compositae.
互联网This plant is referred to Compositae.
互联网Chaetoseris and Stenoseris belong to Lactuceae, Compositae and are distributed in Sino - Himalayan Region.
毛鳞菊属和细莴苣属为菊科菊苣族植物, 属于中国 - 喜马拉雅分布类型.
互联网Of which 19 families such as Compositae, Liliaceae, Papilionaceae made up 49.4 % of the total species, 26 generaincluding Polygonum , Clematis, etc.
菊科 、 百合科 、 蝶形花科等19个大科的种数达总种数的49?4%, 蓼属 、 铁线莲属等26个大属的种数达18?5%.
互联网The roots, petioles and seeds of Arctium lappa L . ( compositae ) are used to different symptoms.
牛蒡为菊科牛蒡属两年生植物,其根 、 茎叶和果实均可入药.
互联网Flos Carthami is the dry flower of the Carthamus L . which belongs to the compositae family.
红花(Flos Carthami )原名红蓝花,入药部分为其干燥花,祖国医学理论认为红花性味辛温,归心、肝经.
互联网The chrysanthemum other name Chrysanthemum, compositae, may make the drink also is the medicine.
菊花又名黄花, 属菊科, 可作饮料也是药物.
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