The eighth commandment is "Thou shalt not steal".
——柯林斯例句I counsel thee to keep the king's commandment in regard of the oath of God.
——期刊摘选While leaving the commandment of God, you hold the tradition of men.
8你们是离弃神的诫命, 拘守人的传统.
——期刊摘选Cramer reveals his Ten Commandments of Trading ( Commandment # 5 : Tips are for waiters ).
克莱姆揭示了他的十个戒律的交易 ( 诫 # 5: 小费是侍应生 ).
——期刊摘选And this is why God has given us the first commandment.
——期刊摘选This commandment have I received of my Father.
——期刊摘选David's sin was classified as despising the commandment of Yahweh and doing evil.
——期刊摘选And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death.
那本来叫人活的诫命, 反倒叫我死.
——期刊摘选Love, in the words of the Master , is the shining commandment : LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
用耶稣基督的话说, 爱就是这条辉煌的诫命: 要彼此相爱.
——期刊摘选The commandment of knowledge is yet higher than the commandment over the will.
——期刊摘选Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?
老师, 律法中哪一条诫命是最重要的 呢 ?
——期刊摘选Is there any need to enforce that commandment by violence?
难道实行这条诫命还需要使用暴力 吗 ?
——辞典例句Mt . 22:38 This is the great and first commandment.
太 二二 38这是最大的,且是第一条诫命.
——期刊摘选This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.
12你们要彼此相爱, 像我爱你们一样,这就是我的命令.
——期刊摘选KJV For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by It'slew me.
[新译]因为罪借着诫命把握着机会来欺骗我, 并且杀了我.
——期刊摘选This is the first and great commandment.
——期刊摘选But Jesus said to them , Because of your hardness of heart he wrote you this commandment.
可10:5耶稣说 、 西因为你们的心硬、以写这条例给你们.
——期刊摘选I often had to repent for not following the commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.
——期刊摘选God has not given Christians a commandment to do so.
——期刊摘选And now this commandment is for you, O priests.
——期刊摘选Bellick : See commandment number one.
——期刊摘选But I speak this by permission, and not of commandment.
6我说这话,原是准你们的, 不是命你们的.
——期刊摘选Right at the end of the Second Commandment.
——期刊摘选The second is this:'Love your neighbor as yourself.'There is no commandment greater than these.
其次,就是说,要爱人如己. 再没有比这两条诫命更大的了.
——期刊摘选Rom. 7:12 So then the law is holy, and the commandment holy and righteous and good.
罗七12这样看来,律法是圣的, 诫命也是圣的、义的并善的.
——期刊摘选This Commandment falls under four headings.
——期刊摘选For sin, seizing the opportunity through the commandment, deceived me and through it killed me.
11因为罪藉着诫命得着机会, 诱骗了我,并且藉着诫命杀了我.
——期刊摘选This is my commandment, That ye love another, as I have loved you.
你们要彼此相爱, 像我爱你们一样,这就是我的命令.
——期刊摘选Bill Gates ran the word commandment through a database search.
——期刊摘选So then, the Law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good.
罗7:12这样看来 、 法是圣洁的 、 命也是圣洁、义、善的.
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