Executives say combatting scams has become the top priority for 2007.
互联网Chinese help in combatting this problem is very welcome.
互联网The doctor spends his life combatting disease.
互联网Besides combatting the free - radical damage linked to heart disease and cancer, anthocyanins may boost brainpower.
花色素甙除了能克服导致心脏病和癌症的自由基的损害外, 还能提高脑力.
互联网That is why we have combatting subjectivism, which has two aspects: dogmatism and empiricism.
反对主观主义有两个方面, 即反对教条主义和反对经验主义.
互联网Do you think world leaders are putting enough effort into combatting global warming?
你认为各国领导人有尽全力对抗全球变暖 吗 ?
互联网Before the discovery of bacteria, salt and heat were used in combatting bacteria.
在发现细菌之前, 用盐和加热的办法来消灭细菌.
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