
  • 释义
  • 色彩;色调;着色法;着色剂;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Eurasian toad with variable chiefly green coloring.


  • 2、

    Other countries vary the coloring of their bank notes as well as their size.


  • 3、

    A few drops of green food coloring were added.


  • 4、

    The biologist injected coloring matter into anatomical specimens for the study of the structure.


  • 5、

    Monascus Colour is a kind of natural food coloring.


  • 6、

    They really compliment your coloring.


  • 7、

    Brain Fuel no: yeast, salt, sugar, gluten, dairy, starch, soy, animal products, artificial preservatives or coloring.

    脑活素不含: 酵母 、 食盐 、 糖 、 麸质 、 奶油 、 淀粉 、 豆类 、 动物产品 、 人工防腐剂、色素.

  • 8、

    I will use the coloring pencil to color my book.


  • 9、

    He knew what I was driving at, but denied his own experience was coloring his judgement.

    他明白我是什么意思, 但却否认以前的事在影响着他的判断.

  • 10、

    The food coloring is moved by this and so you can see a kaleidoscope effect.


  • 11、

    A variety of designs can be made using various coloring and finishing processes finished fabric.


  • 12、

    A pouch filled with left over crayons washable felt pens, and coloring pencils from used sets.


  • 13、

    The resistance to alkali and the coloring power of pigment fast bright red BBN were improved.


  • 14、

    The caster unleashes the Morrigans on the battleground, coloring the skies red and wrathful.

    法师为战场释放出女死神们, 让天空变成血红而充满恨意.

  • 15、

    Bleaching is a chemical process used to eliminate unwanted coloring matter from fibers, yarns or cloth.

    漂白是一个化学处理过程,用来除去纤维 、 纱线或织物上不希望得到的颜色.

  • 16、

    In the second part, we will mainly discuss the problem of path coloring.

    在第二部分中, 主要讨论光网络中的路染色问题.

  • 17、

    Joyce brought in a coloring book from Papa John's Pizza.


  • 18、

    The little girl was coloring pictures with crayons.


  • 19、

    The kid was coloring in a coloring book on the floor.


  • 20、

    Vertex coloring model and decomposing algorithm of gate assignment problem is offered.


  • 21、

    Delay: Advanced delay with a resonant multimode filter, for coloring the delayed sound.

    时延: 高级延误了共振多过滤器, 用于着色延迟声音.

  • 22、

    The third step is coloring. The color or enamel is called falang in Chinese.

    第三步是着色, 颜色或者搪瓷在中文里叫做珐琅.

  • 23、

    Toss some cooked noodles with blue food coloring or cook the noodles in colored water.


  • 24、

    In the label cards and membership cards, coloring by ink features to achieve security goals.

    在标签制卡和会员卡制作洋, 堵住油墨的呈色特点来到达不攻假纲的.

  • 25、

    Customers may require polishing, painting, coloring, electroplating, a packaging and shipment of goods.

    可按客户要求进行抛光 、 喷漆 、 着色 、 电镀 、 打包装及发运货品.

  • 26、

    To our dissatisfaction, some of the pajamas are found to be of varied coloring.

    令我们不满的是, 我们发现一些睡衣有色差.

  • 27、

    Other distinguishing characteristics in demand this season include tattoos, piercings, scars and even albino coloring.

    本时装季很热门的模特特质还包括:刺青 、 穿孔 、 疤痕,甚至还有白化病.

  • 28、

    The room was quiet and neutral in coloring,but it was given accent by bowls of bright flowers.

