Personal strength: Informal , collegial nature builds loyalty among co - workers.
个人能力: 不拘小节, 在大学练就的较强的组织能力使他能够赢得合作者的忠心.
互联网The collegial panel shall execute the decision of the judicial committee.
互联网The people's court shall form a new collegial panel for the purpose of the retrial.
互联网So she treads lightly , trying to create a collegial atmosphere, unaware that Nick is sabotaging her.
因此她小心翼翼, 努力营造同事间平等的气氛, 对尼克的暗中使坏却毫无察觉.
互联网Teacher and principals in less collegial schools, by contrast, reported being isolated and alienated.
相对的, 在低联合领导的学校里, 老师觉得被孤立和不合群的情况.
互联网It also embodied a management style - the HP way - that emphasised high ethical standards and collegial behaviour.
而且形成了一种管理风格---HP之道 --- 强调很高的道德标准与团队合作.
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